
来源 :国外医学.预防.诊断.治疗用生物制品分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nayitian1046906153
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为评价四价口服恒河猴轮状病毒(RRV)活疫苗的安全性。免疫原性及服苗后的排毒情况,用双盲法将26名6~22周龄婴幼儿随机分为两组:疫苗组和安慰剂组。其中疫苗组18名婴儿又分为大剂量组(10人)和小剂量组(8人),安慰剂组8人。四价恒河猴轮状病 To evaluate the safety of the tetravalent oral rhesus rotavirus (RRV) live vaccine. Immunogenicity and detoxification after serving the vaccine, the 26-week-old infants from 6 to 22 weeks old were randomly divided into two groups: vaccine group and placebo group by double-blind method. The vaccine group of 18 infants were divided into high-dose group (10) and low-dose group (8), placebo group of 8 people. Tetravalent rhesus rot disease
A 7-chip, 280 Gb/s optical code-division multiplexing (OCDM) system incorporating quaternary phase coding and decoding superstructured fiber Bragg gratings (SSF