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在我的记忆深处,有一条五彩缤纷的丝带,上面清楚地刻着父母两种截然不同的爱,让我深切地感受到了:母爱是阳春三月的阳光;父爱是寒冬腊月的雨雪……那是一个寒冷的冬日,妈妈怕我冻着了,给我买了一件漂亮的羽绒服。我穿在身上舒服极了!不久,新衣服被我穿得“面目全非”了。妈妈为了让我穿着整洁的衣服去上学,把衣服放在水里浸透后使劲搓洗。“妈,您为什么不用洗衣机洗呀?!”我不解地问题。“傻孩子,这你就不懂了。衣服是新的,用洗衣机洗 In the depths of my memory, there is a colorful ribbon with two very different loves clearly marked by my parents. I deeply feel that the mother’s love is the sunshine of the March of Spring and the father’s love is the rain and snow of the winter and the lunar months... ...It was a cold winter day. My mother was afraid that I was frozen and bought me a beautiful down jacket. I was very comfortable to wear on my body! Soon, the new clothes were worn by me and I was “unrecognized”. In order to let me go to school in neat clothes, my mother put her clothes in the water and soaked hard. “Mom, why don’t you use the washing machine?!” I puzzled. "Silly kid, you don’t understand this. The clothes are new, wash in the washing machine.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。黔风诗讯 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Qian Feng poetry infor
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风撑开双臂,侧立双掌, 感觉到了风的方向。一个任性孩子的漂泊,一点粗犷,一点哀伤,被人唤作是“放荡”。因为意识里没有方向,只知道这边是通往喧闹的都市;那边是通往宁静的乡