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一九五四年,我国开始对粮食实行统购统销,这是在一定的社会经济条件下实施的一项重大政策,它对促进让会主义改造和建设起了积极的作用。一九八五年,粮食统购改为合同定购,但是粮食统销制度没有改变。统销的根本方法是,国家按定量标准发给粮票,吃统销粮的居民凭票买粮,一斤票面的粮票,再化上一角几分钱,就可以买回一斤米或者其它品种的粮食。出门办事必须随身携带粮票,否则就寸步难行。由于粮食定量不宽裕,因此,多年来居民手中积存粮票不多。 In 1954, China began to implement unified purchase and marketing of grain. This is a major policy implemented under certain social and economic conditions. It has played a positive role in promoting the transformation and construction of communism. In 1985, grain purchasing was changed to contract purchases, but the grain marketing system has not changed. The basic method of general marketing is that the country issues food stamps according to quantitative standards, and the residents who eat food and grain sell grain to buy food, a grain of ticket for food stamps, and then a few cents to buy back a pound of rice or other varieties. Food. Going out to work must carry food stamps, otherwise it will be difficult to move. Because the food is not well quantified, for many years, the residents have accumulated less food stamps.
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问:贵刊自1987年起在部分文章的“摘要”之下加注了“关键词”。对此,我们不甚理解,请给予简要说 Q: Since 1987, your journal has added “key words” under the “abst
在贯彻实行外向型经济发展战略时,如何进入国际市场,把我们的商品和劳务打出去,是一个很关键的问题,本讲将围绕这一主题做些介绍。 When implementing the strategy of exp
1961年,经济学家G. J. stigler提出了情报的经济学法则,即成本效益法则:当一位购买者在市场上买东西时,要寻找所购物的最便宜的价格。当他觉得继续寻找所费的力与找到更便宜
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我国汽车工业从1956年7月12日第一汽车制造厂生产出第一辆“解放”牌汽车以来,已有30多年的历史了。汽车产量由当时的年产1700辆增加到1987年的47万辆。我国 China’s auto