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原煤的开采、储存、运输及其加工利用过程是多环芳烃(PAHs)污染的主要来源。由于缺乏相关系统调查数据,其对煤矿复垦区土壤环境质量的影响尚不明确。平朔煤矿复垦土地主要作为耕地利用,了解其PAHs污染状况直接关系粮食安全和人体健康。该研究通过野外实地调查,开展了平朔煤矿复垦区表层土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的毒性风险分析研究。在整个平朔煤矿45km2范围内,以500m×500m间距为基准,按照不同用地类型,采集了0~20cm深度土壤样品179个,再按照1km×1km单元格组合后分析。使用安捷伦高分辨气相色谱-低分辨质谱进行目标物的检测。加入代用标准2-氟联苯(2-FBP)以进行回收率控制。研究结果表明:土壤中16种EPA-PAHs的含量范围为213.60~2 513.20ng·g-1,均值为717.09ng·g-1。PAHs成分特征显示主要以3~4环为主(52%),5~6环次之(42%),2环所占比例最低(6%)。使用相关分析法判定,主要污染来源为原煤。毒性风险分析结果显示,平朔煤矿土壤PAHs存在一定生态风险,当土地重新作为农田加以利用时,需要加以关注。 Raw coal mining, storage, transportation and processing and utilization of PAHs are the main sources of pollution. Due to the lack of relevant system survey data, the impact on soil environmental quality in reclamation areas is not yet clear. The land reclaimed from Pingshuo Coal Mine is mainly used as cultivated land. Understanding its PAHs pollution status is directly related to food security and human health. The field investigation conducted in this study carried out the toxicological risk analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface soil of reclamation area of ​​Pingshuo Coal Mine. Based on 500m × 500m intervals, 179 soil samples of 0 ~ 20cm depth were collected according to different types of land use within the 45km2 range of Pingshuo coal mine, and then grouped and analyzed according to 1km × 1km cell combinations. Target detection using Agilent High Resolution Gas Chromatography - Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry. The substitution standard 2-fluorobiphenyl (2-FBP) was added for recovery control. The results showed that the content of 16 kinds of EPA-PAHs in soil ranged from 213.60 to 213.20 ng · g-1, with an average value of 717.09 ng · g-1. The main characteristics of PAHs were 3 ~ 4 rings (52%), 5 ~ 6 rings (42%) and 2 rings (6%). Using the correlation analysis, the main source of pollution is raw coal. Toxicological risk analysis results show that there is some ecological risk in the soil PAHs in Pingshuo coal mine. When land is reused as farmland, it needs attention.
摘 要:小学是学习英语的起始阶段,是养成良好习惯的关键时期。因此,我们在英语教育教学实践中要以多种有效的方式来帮助外来生养成良好的学习习惯,从扶到放,从而教会他们自主有效地学习。  关键词:外来生;英语;学习习惯;养成教育  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)14-079-1  我国伟大的教育家叶圣陶先生则说: “教育是什么?往简单方面说,只是一
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现如今广大教师面临着我国新一轮的基础教育改革浪潮。作为新时代的教育工作者,我们必须关注改革动向,紧紧抓住教改脉搏,认真学习教改内容,结合自身的实际和特点,把教改的精神贯彻到自己的教育教学工作中去。  教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育普通高中英语课程标准》,从学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个综合行为表现,描述了基础教育阶段一至九级的英语课程目标。其中关注学生情感态度的发展是基础