Recent Advances in Directed Assembly of Nanowires or Nanotub es

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nose88
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Nanowires and nanotubes of diverse material compositions,properties and/or functions have been produced or fabricated through various bottom-up or top-down approaches.These nanowires or nanotubes have also been utilized as potential building blocks for functional nanodevices.The key for the integration of those nanowire or nanotube based devices is to assemble these one dimensional nanomaterials to specific locations using techniques that are highly controllable and scalable.Ideally such techniques should enable assembly of highly uniform nanowire/nanotube arrays with precise control of density,location,dimension or even material types of nanowires/nanotubes.Numerous assembly techniques are being developed that can quickly align and assemble large quantities of one type or multiple types of nanowires through parallel processes,including flow-assisted alignment,Langmuir-Blodgett assembly,bubble-blown technique,electric/magnetic-field directed assembly,contact/roll printing,knocking-down,etc..With these assembling techniques,applications of nanowire/nanotube based devices such as flexible electronics and sensors have been demonstrated.This paper delivers an overall review of directed nanowire/nanotube assembling approaches and analyzes advantages and limitations of each method.The future research directions have also been discussed. Nanowires and nanotubes of diverse material compositions, properties and / or functions have been produced or fabricated through various bottom-up or top-down approaches. The nanowires or nanotubes have also been utilized as potential building blocks for functional nanodesvices. The key for the integration of those nanowire or nanotube based devices is to assemble these one dimensional nanomaterials to specific locations using techniques that are highly controllable and scalable.Ideally such techniques should enable assembly of highly uniform nanowire / nanotube arrays with precise control of density, location, dimension or even material types of nanowires / nanotubes. Numerous assembly techniques are being developed that can quickly align and assemble large quantities of one type or multiple types of nanowires through parallel processes, including flow-assisted alignment, Langmuir-Blodgett assembly, bubble-blown technique, electric / magnetic-field directed assembly, contact / roll printing, knocking-down , etc..With these assembling techniques, applications of nanowire / nanotube based devices such as flexible electronics and sensors have been demonstrated. This paper delivers an overall review of directed nanowire / nanotube assembling approaches and analyzes advantages and limitations of each method. research directions have also been discussed.
【摘 要】反思数学作业的现况,大多采用“四统一”的方法,即统一题目、统一时间、统一上交、统一批改。学生的感受是作业量多。伴随着新课程的深入,数学作业的设计也要创新,要以批判的眼光继承和发扬传统数学作业的优点,抛弃其难、烦、偏、旧的弊端,以学生发展为目的,设计及布置形式多样、异彩纷呈、接近生活,且学生乐于接受的数学作业。  【关键词】优化设计 分层作业 作业效率  中学数学作业是检验学生的学习成果,
《音乐新课程标准》的实施,为音乐教育改革增添了浓重的一笔。“新”是素质教育的灵魂,音乐是提高学生素质,培养学生创新能力的重要学科,如何在音乐教学中培养学生的创新思维,提高提高学生的创新能力,是音乐教育工作者必须研究和努力实践的新课题。  一、音乐教育是培养学生创新能力的重要途径  所谓创新能力,是指根据一定的目的和任务,运用一切已知信息开动思维活动产生出某种新颖、独特、有社会或个人价值的智力产品。
Nanowire-based photovoltaic devices have the advantages over planar devices in light absorption and charge transport and collection. Recently, a new strategy re