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近些年,中国油画在东南亚卖得很火,且不说大都市里颇有名气的画家们多有自己的海外代理人或销售渠道,甚至那些偏远省份名不见经传的油画家也都有其作品被某国某地收藏的记录。九十年代初的一段时期,香港、台湾、新加坡差不多每天都有中国的油画展开幕。中国油画向东南亚地区发动了狂轰滥炸式的倾销,港台不少没有做过画廊生意的商人都企图染指中国油画的生意。于是有人作出中国油画空前繁荣的结论。我翻阅过1991年春自香港佳士得开始的,在海内外几十场的中国油画拍卖图录,也看了香港出版的《后’89中国新艺术》和德国出版的《中国前卫艺术》等画册,以及数不清的各类展览图录和场刊,这些印刷品或许就是中国油画空前繁荣的见证,似乎中国油画在东南亚为主的海外艺术市场也树立了重要地位。可以认为,在海外市场所看到的中国油画的确概括了国内当前的创作水平,从这些作品中我们可以看到中国油画确实有令人骄傲的成就,有 In recent years, Chinese oil paintings have sold well in Southeast Asia, not to mention the well-known painters in the metropolitan area have their own overseas agents or sales channels. Even oil painters of unknown origin in remote provinces have their own Works are collected from a certain country record. During the early 1990s, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore opened the exhibition of Chinese oil paintings almost daily. Chinese oil paintings have launched indiscriminate dumping in Southeast Asia. Many businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan that have not done business in the gallery have attempted to profane the business of Chinese oil paintings. Someone made the conclusion that Chinese oil painting was unprecedented prosperity. I have read the catalogs of dozens of Chinese oil paintings at home and abroad, beginning with Christie’s Hong Kong in the spring of 1991, as well as the catalogs of post-1989 China New Art published in Hong Kong and China’s avant-garde art published by Germany, As well as countless catalogs and magazines of various exhibitions. These prints may be testimony to the unprecedented prosperity of Chinese oil painting. It seems that Chinese oil paintings have also established an important position in the overseas art market dominated by Southeast Asia. It can be argued that Chinese oil paintings seen in overseas markets do indeed summarize the current domestic creative level. From these works, we can see that Chinese oil paintings do indeed have proud achievements. There are
一、个人住房贷款担保的主要模式  1.住房置业公司担保。住房置业公司担保是指借款人向银行申请贷款时,找置业担保公司为自己提供连带保证责任的贷款,如借款人在还款期内不能
例2:东芝2980DH 彩电,光栅和图像颜色偏绿。特别是在画面内容变暗时更为明显。分析与检修:从故障现象看,这是典型的白平衡失调。对于一般彩电来说,重新调整视放板上的三个截