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雷锋、焦裕禄、蒋筑英、张海迪……中国老百姓家喻户晓。但人们可知,是谁报道了这些英雄模范人物的事迹,从而使他们享誉全国的?从我了解的情况看,十有八九并不知道。不说别人,我夫人和儿子读报,就从来只看“热闹”而不管作者是谁。夫人一次兴致勃勃地对我说到报上刊登的一件事。我一听,那不是我写的吗?遂问作者何人,她道没注意。本人是一个从事新闻工作时间不长且小到不能再小的小记者,压根儿就没名,只偶然写一两篇东西,故连自己妻儿都不关心我的什么名不名。这也罢了,但我心中挺有名的那些记者,竟也多不为人所知,不禁使我心 Lei Feng, Jiao Yulu, Jiang Zhuying, Zhang Haidi ...... Everyone knows Chinese people. But people can see that who reported the deeds of these heroic model people, so that they are renowned throughout the country? From what I understand, I do not know in all likelihood. Without saying anything, my wife and son read the newspaper, they just looked “lively” regardless of who they were. One of my favorite articles was published in my spirits. I heard, that is not what I wrote? Then asked the author who she did not pay attention. I am a small journalist who has been working on journalism for a short period of time and can not be small anymore. I have no name at all. I only write one or two articles occasionally. Therefore, I do not care what my name is unknown to my wife and children. It is also worth mentioning, but those who are quite famous in my heart are actually not well known and can not help but make my heart
“电视新娘”于民钢是青岛市歌舞团享有盛名的歌唱演员。在总政、民政部和全国妇联为“边海防军人的优秀妻子”颁奖大会上,中央领导在她胸前挂上了一枚闪光的奖章。 1986年,
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