信息安全管理系列专题之八 让信息安全体系走入企业

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信息安全是企业关注的永恒话题。信息技术的应用,或许在一段时期内使企业有了“安全感”,但随着企业系统的日益复杂和安全需求的不断增加,建立与管理相结合的信息安全机制和体系成为必然趋势。本栏目举办“信息安全管理系列专题”,就是通过介绍目前为全球所关注的信息安全管理体系规范,让企业了解,信息安全不仅是技术问题,更是与企业的安全战略、业务目标和管理体系紧密结合的、一整套体系的建立和持续优化过程。我们希望这样一个抛砖引玉的专题内容,使读者在了解信息安全管理领域的最新进展和相应知识要点之外、还能激发思考与讨论,进而付诸实践。因此,本专题的最后一期,邀请科飞管理咨询有限公司吴昌伦、王毅刚先生结合一个虚拟电信运营商A公司的管理细节,进一步介绍读者关心的“为什么要建立信息安全管理体系,以及建立这个体系需要具备什么条件”等话题。 Information security is the eternal topic of business concern. The application of information technology may give enterprises a sense of security for a certain period of time. However, with the ever-increasing complexity of enterprise systems and the increasing demand for security, establishing information security mechanisms and systems that are integrated with management becomes an inevitable trend. This column to organize “series of information security management topics,” is introduced by the current global concern about the information security management system specification, so that enterprises understand that information security is not only a technical issue, but also with the company's security strategy, business objectives and management system Closely integrated, a complete system of building and continuous optimization process. We hope that such a startling topic will enable readers to think and discuss new ideas and relevant knowledge points in the field of information security management and then put them into practice. Therefore, the last issue of this project invited Mr. Wu Changlun and Mr. Wang Yijiang from Section Fei Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to introduce the management details of a virtual telecom operator A Company to further introduce the readers' concern why “to establish an information security management system and establish this system Need to have what conditions ”and other topics.
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我家门前有一棵高大的白桦树,树上有一个鸟窝,里面住着鸟妈妈和三只小鸟。  小鸟刚出生不久,身上的羽毛不多,黑白相间,一双小小的眼睛乌黑乌黑的,闪着光亮。它们长着一个尖尖的小嘴巴,时不时发出叽叽的叫声,小小的尾巴就像一把小扇子,可爱极了。  每天早上,我看见鸟妈妈飞出去。不一会儿,它叼着一条虫子站在鸟窝边。三只小鸟争着张大嘴巴欢快地叫着,等着享用鸟妈妈给它们的美食。  我趴在窗前,静静地看着这一幕。
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