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《清史稿》是二十五史中唯一的一部拥有《灾异志》的“正史”。《灾异志》分“灾”和“异”两大部分。“灾”就是自然灾害,“异”是指自然异常,它集中收录了清代的各种自然灾害和自然异常事件。《灾异志》以时间为序,将清代大量灾害史资料集于一目,可谓清代官方最完备的灾害档案,其灾害史和灾害学方面的研究价值自不待言。除此之外,它对其他诸多学科比如地质学的研究,也具 “History of the Qing Dynasty” is the only one in the history of twenty-five “disaster history” “history ”. “Disaster Chi” points “disaster” and “different” two parts. “Disaster ” is a natural disaster, “different ” refers to the natural anomaly, which contains a collection of all kinds of natural disasters and natural anomalies in the Qing Dynasty. In the preface of the chronological order, “Disaster Evil Chi” records a great deal of disaster history information in the Qing Dynasty, which can be described as the official and complete disaster file in the Qing Dynasty. It goes without saying that the research value of disaster history and disastrous science. In addition, it is also a study of many other disciplines such as geology
A design approach is described to achieve spectral blocking filters of any spectral width and optical densityfor narrow blocking bands.We give new criterions t
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那是我辉煌的未来  否则梦里不会有一枝荷不畏流言固执地开水底的绿被阳光晒暖  让我以荇菜的模样,梳妆打扮
我是一个淘宝店主,我把自己的店当成解忧情怀杂货铺在经营。  解忧大家都知道,那什么是情怀呢?情怀就是以心灵的满足而不是功利的得失作為自己行为标准的一种品质。通俗易懂地说就是一件没有什么用的事儿,还要去做。  我自己就是个有情怀的人,在经营杂货铺的同时,也遇到过这样或者那样有情怀的人。  有一种鞋——舰艇靴,我对它有情结。舰艇靴就是老辈人常说的军勾。可能老爸穿它踢过我们,疼,特别疼,鞋头是圆的,皮子