Melody of Autumn (oil painting)

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Sqiwei
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Perhaps because of the nature of a woman, I take great interest in painting flowers and plants. But the difference is I prefer instead of the blooming flowers the dry flowers surviving the blossom. The dry cockscomb, sunflower, lotus and the wild flowers whose names I don’t know can always remind me of past stories. In recent years, my dried flawers have been displayed at exhibitions both at home and abroad and won appraisal and the top prize at the 1995 Eighth National Arts Exhibition. Some works have been collected by the China Art Gallery and private collectors from Hang Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Europe. Perhaps because of the nature of a woman, I take great interest in painting flowers and plants. But the difference is I prefer instead of the blooming flowers the dry flowers surviving the blossom. The dry cockscomb, sunflower, lotus and the wild flowers whose names I do not know can always remind me of past stories. In recent years, my dried flawers have been displayed at exhibitions both both at home and abroad and won appraisal and the top prize at the 1995 Eighth National Arts Exhibition. by the China Art Gallery and private collectors from Hang Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Europe.
目的 了解白银市区辖区内酱油、食醋的卫生质量,加强对食品卫生管理.方法 对2008年部分调味品生产厂家和销售点酱油、食醋的卫生质量进行了抽检.结果 共抽检白银市区销售酱油
目的建立特异、快速、灵敏的、用于人博卡病毒核酸检测的荧光定量PCR方法。方法对博卡病毒的ns1基因应用Clustal W软件进行序列同源性比对,在保守区设计特异性引物和TaqMan探
目的 了解2008年中牟县法定报告传染病疫情发生水平及流行情况.方法 利用中国疾病预防控制中心开发的“疾病监测信息报告管理系统”中的数据资料,采用描述性流行病学方法对中