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十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》提出:“全面推进依法治国,必须大力提高法治工作队伍思想政治素质、业务工作能力、职业道德水准,着力建设一支忠于党、忠于国家、忠于人民、忠于法律的社会主义法治工作队伍,为加快建设社会主义法治国家提供强有力的组织和人才保障”。本文以《决定》为背景,以律师服务企业为切入点,提出细化律师业务类型,创新律师服务模式,以适应经济发展“新常态”下的法律服务需求,进而提出在重大历史机遇前律师应当顺势而为,积极改进行业自身的不足和缺陷,以专业化分工、精诚合作等手段提高法律服务质量与专业水平,拓展法律服务领域,努力引导客户对律师服务价格与价值的认同感。 The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues in Ruling the Country by Law” put forward by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee puts forward: “In order to comprehensively promote the administration of the country according to law, it is imperative to vigorously raise the ideological and political quality, professional ability and standard of professional ethics of the legal working team. Establish a contingent of socialist legal persons loyal to the party, loyal to the state, loyal to the people and loyal to the law, and provide a strong organization and personnel guarantee for accelerating the building of a socialist country under the rule of law. ” Based on the “decision” as the background, this article takes the lawyer service enterprise as the entry point, and proposes to refine the lawyer’s service type and innovate the lawyer’s service mode so as to meet the legal service demand under the economic development “new normal ”, Former lawyers should take the opportunity to actively improve the industry’s own shortcomings and deficiencies, improve the quality of legal services and professional standards by specialized division of labor, sincere cooperation and other means, expand legal services, and strive to guide customers on the identity of the lawyer service price and value .
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文章通过对按要素分配理论渊源的梳理与政策含义的解答,指出按劳分配与按要素分配适用于不同领域,根据军人实际占有的要素,军人收入应当按劳分配,而不应实行按要素分配。 Th
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眼又到岁末,寒冷也如期而至。高原,这些经过亿万年地壳运动在地球表。面形成的巨大凸起,常常是和寒冷联系在一起的。据考察数据显示,气温随着海拔高度的升高而逐渐下降,一般每升高1000米,气温下降约6℃,有的地区甚至每升高150米可下降1℃。然而,自然造物的神奇在于海拔高度和气温并非单纯的一元关系,因其所处的纬度和地形地貌等原因,高山峡谷内常会呈现出一些不为四季所左右的自然风貌和独特的人文景观。  地处
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