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2月2日,红蜻蜒时尚集团出品的贺岁微电影《包里的秘密》首映礼在北京世贸天阶举行,受到观影嘉宾和首批观众的众口好评。这是红蜻蜒时尚集团在企业20周年之际,与UMG联播传媒合作打造的感恩力作。红蜻蜒运用互联网思维,发力品牌线上互动的创新之举,为国内微电影行业提供了跨界灵感。 February 2, Red Dragonfly Fashion Group produced the Chinese New Year microfilm “bag in the secret” premiere ceremony held in Beijing World Trade Day, by the audience and the first batch of viewers audience praise. This is the red dragonfly fashion group in the 20th anniversary of the enterprise, with UMG simulcast media to create the grateful masterpiece. Red Dragonfly use of Internet thinking, force brand interactive online innovation, for the domestic micro-film industry has provided cross-border inspiration.
海南省尖峰岭地区营造的 5~ 6年生海南红豆行道树 ,严重发生了由红锈藻引起的红锈病。在5 0 0株幼树中 ,发病株率高达 97.5 % , ~ 级病株率 80 % ,病情指数 75 .5 ,导致部分叶
BACKGROUND: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress impairs ER functions and leads to the accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the ER lumen. ER stress-in
崇信短肛棒虫Baculum chongxinense Chen et He主要危害辽东栎、千金榆.摘叶试验表明摘叶量为70%时,材积损失为2.624m3/hm2.被食率为30%时,材积损失为2.08m3/hm2,虫口密度为3
Objective: To study the stress distribution of the femoral hip prosthesis after the hip joint replacement. Methods: After the hip joint replacement, when the fe
The aim of this study was to evaluate the crosslinking effect of a naturally crosslinking reagent-procyanidins (PA)-on the materials of bioprosthetic heart valv