完善资金管理制度 保障村级组织运转

来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puhongjin
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为了管好用好农业税附加、财政对村转移支付和农业税10%对困难村补助等村级三项资金,保障农村税费改革以后村级组织正常运转,维护农村稳定,江苏省响水县委、县政府根据农村税费改革等有关政策规定,结合本地实际,进一步完善并印发了《响水县村级三项资金管理制度》,切实保障村级组织正常运转。资金拨付保障到位农业税附加由财政部门负责,随正税足额征收,按规定时间划拨到专户。财 In order to manage the three types of village-level funds such as subsidies for agricultural transfer and fiscal subsidies for village transfers and agricultural taxes of 10%, and guaranteeing the normal operation of village-level organizations after the reform of rural taxes and fees and maintaining rural stability, the county government of Jiangsu Province, The county government further improved and issued the “Three-fund Management System at the Village Level in Xiangshui County” according to the relevant policies and regulations on the reform of rural taxes and fees in combination with local conditions so as to effectively guarantee the normal operation of village-level organizations. Funds allocated to protect agricultural tax in place by the financial department in charge, with full tax collection, according to the scheduled transfer of time to the special account. fiscal
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