
来源 :茶叶科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuisong521
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以福建省茶树品种园780份资源为试验材料,依外部形态特征初步筛选出45份较有希望的品种或株系。用等度高效液相色谱法,分析检测这45个品种或株系的春梢、夏梢、秋梢酯型儿茶素含量,筛选高酯型儿茶素含量的茶树特异资源。结果表明:新梢酯型儿茶素含量在不同品种、株系间差异很大;春梢、夏梢、秋梢的酯型儿茶素含量变化范围分别为5.21%~24.03%、3.05%~20.31%、2.89%~19.66%,平均值分别为16.08%、14.73%、9.96%,变异系数分别为22.26%、24.10%、40.76%。同一品种或株系新梢的酯型儿茶素含量呈季节性变化,大多数(约71.11%)表现为:春梢>夏梢>秋梢。有5个品种、株系(033、505、509、524、1005),春、夏、秋三季,酯型儿茶素平均含量高于19%,为超常规水平的高酯型儿茶素茶树特异资源,可作为品质遗传改良或直接应用于提取酯型儿茶素的重要材料。有8个品种、株系[033、505、509、510(1)、510(2)、524、1001、1005]新梢酯型儿茶素含量在儿茶素总量中所占比例高达80%以上(一般品种为68%),可作为提取茶多酚、儿茶素的特种材料。 In this paper, 780 resources of tea plantation in Fujian Province were used as experimental materials, and 45 more promising varieties or lines were screened out according to the external morphological characteristics. By isocratic high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the content of ester-type catechins in spring shoots, summer shoots and shoots of the 45 cultivars or lines were detected and the tea-specific resources of high-esterified catechins were screened. The results showed that the contents of ester-type catechins varied widely in different varieties and lines. The content of ester-type catechins in spring, summer and autumn shoots varied from 5.21% to 24.03% and 3.05% 20.31% and 2.89% ~ 19.66%, respectively. The average values ​​were 16.08%, 14.73% and 9.96% respectively, and the coefficients of variation were 22.26%, 24.10% and 40.76% respectively. The content of ester-type catechins in the same variety or line showed seasonal changes, most of them (about 71.11%) showed: spring shoot> summer shoot> autumn shoot. There are 5 varieties, strains (033,505,509,524,1005), spring, summer and autumn, the average content of ester-type catechins is higher than 19%, for the ultra-conventional level of high ester type catechin tea tree Specific resources, can be used as quality genetic improvement or directly applied to the extraction of ester-type catechins important material. There are 8 varieties, lines [033,505,509,510 (1), 510 (2), 524,1001,1005] the content of the new shoot ester catechins in the total amount of catechins as high as 80 % (More than 68% in general), which can be used as special material for extracting tea polyphenol and catechin.
目的 了解综合性心理治疗对康复期精神分裂症患者焦虑抑郁情绪的影响.方法 将92例康复期精神分裂症患者根据治疗方式分为两组,每组46例.两组均口服利培酮口腔崩解片维持治疗,
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