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目的探讨老年冠心病三支病变介入治疗的特点和近、远期疗效。方法回顾性分析116例行PC I患者的临床资料,分析高龄冠心病三支病变患者的临床及冠脉病变特点,不宜或未能置入支架而需外科搭桥以及术后发生不良事件的比例。结果高龄冠心病患者合并高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症等、冠脉多支病变和复杂病变多,住院期间及远期随访提示经介入治疗后症状和(或)体征缓解明显。结论高龄冠心病患者冠脉病变的特点常为多支和复杂病变,介入治疗后症状和(或)体征缓解明显、远期效果好。 Objective To investigate the characteristics and short-term and long-term effects of interventional therapy for three-vessel diseases in elderly patients with coronary heart disease. Methods The clinical data of 116 patients with PC I were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical and coronary characteristics of three patients with advanced coronary artery disease were analyzed retrospectively. The proportions of surgical bypass and postoperative adverse events were considered as appropriate or unsuccessful. Results The elderly patients with coronary heart disease complicated with hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, multiple coronary lesions and complex lesions, hospitalization and long-term follow-up prompts after the interventional treatment symptoms and (or) obvious signs of relief. Conclusions Coronary lesions in elderly patients with coronary heart disease are often characterized by multiple branches and complicated lesions. The symptoms and / or signs of remission after the interventional treatment are obvious, and the long-term effect is good.
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宝宝不长个儿、走路晚,人们最容易想到的是宝宝缺钙了。更把儿童佝偻病归因于缺钙。实际上,仅仅补钙并不能解决问题,必须同时有足量的维生素D,才能保证钙的吸收,否则只补不吸收,骨骼发育还是会受到影响。  维生素D——阳光维生素    维生素D能调节钙代谢,提高机体对钙、磷的吸收,让血液中钙和磷的水平达到饱和程度,促进骨骼钙化和身高增长。也就是说,只有维生素D足够,才能保证钙的吸收,否则,即使吃再多的钙,
冠心病被称作“人类健康第一杀手”,发病率呈逐年上升并有年轻化的趋势。心脏支架手术的开展,给众多冠心病患者带来了新生。现在,中国每年新增约33万“支架人”。但是,不少人对于心脏支架手术认识上还存在一些误区。  不按时服药小心送命  “这次我差点就走了!”冠心病患者刘先生说。刘先生今年67岁,患有冠心病十多年,三年前因心肌梗死接受了支架植入术。  术后,他因为症状消失就停服了药物。今年1月,刘先生因感
Thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA) was used to determine the thermal behavior of stainless steelmaking dust and FTIR was used to detect the components of off-gas