诸城共青团,你 现在还好吗?

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1996年,我刊在第2期刊出了以《国企改革:诸城露出曙光》为题的长文,对山东诸城国有企业改革过程进行了详细的报道。一年之后,随着诸城经济迅速发展的实际展现和党的十五大精神的贯彻,关于诸城国有企业改革的争论已不再需要我们给予特别的关注,因为那些到诸城参观、考察、学习、取经的人流向我们证明着诸城经验已得到人们的认可。而今天,当诸城的企业在股份合作制、股份制、外资嫁接到转让产权、破产、租赁、兼并等一系列形式的改革中重新获得发展的活力时,我们的目光再一次移向诸城。这一次,我们关注的不是那些厂长、经理,不是那些在国有企业改革中的风云人物,而是青年,是我们的共青团组织。因为有人担心,随着改革的深化,在以经济工作为中心任务和政企关系发生根本变化的今天,共青团的工作将面临更为严峻的挑战。在变革的过程中,共青团组织能够风采依然吗?因此,我们再一次来到诸城,带着一声问候,一丝担忧—— In 1996, I published a long article titled “Reform of State-owned Enterprises: The Dawning of State-owned Enterprises” published in the 2nd issue, and made a detailed report on the reform process of state-owned enterprises in Zhucheng, Shandong Province. A year later, with the actual manifestation of the rapid economic development of Zhucheng and the implementation of the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, the debate on the reform of state-owned enterprises in Zhucheng no longer needs our special attention because those who visit Zhucheng, study, The flow of people to us to prove that Zhucheng experience has been recognized by people. Today, when Zhucheng’s enterprises regain the vitality of development in a series of reforms such as shareholding system, shareholding system and foreign investment grafting to transfer of property, bankruptcy, leasing and mergers, our eyes move to Zhucheng again. This time, we are not concerned with factory directors and managers, not with those in the reform of state-owned enterprises. They are young people and are our own youth league organizations. Because some people are worried that with the deepening of the reform, the work of the Communist Youth League will face even more severe challenges today as a fundamental task of economic work and a fundamental change in the relationship between the government and enterprises. In the process of reform, the organization of the Communist Youth League can still style it? Therefore, we once again came to Zhucheng, with a greeting, a hint of concern -
目的探讨通过孕期补充维生素D对LPS诱发小鼠流产的影响。方法健康清洁级ICR小鼠(8-10周龄,其中雄鼠:28~30 g,雌鼠:24~26 g),饲养环境保持12小时昼夜节律,温度维持在20~25℃,
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