Computer Simulation of the Interphase Boundary Evolution in Ni_(75)Al_xV_(25-x) Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiang43
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The interphase boundary evolution of ordered phase in Ni75AlxV25-x alloy during precipitation was simulated on atomic-scale based on the microscopic phase-field dynamic model. The results show that the second phase precipitated from the interphase boundary formed by the first phase and the disordered matrix at high temperature, and from the interphase boundaries of the first phase at low temperature. L12 phase had obvious selective orientation when precipitated from the interphase boundaries of D022- L12 phase nucleated easily at the interphase boundaries formed by [10] and [01] directions of D022 projection along [001] direction, and grew easily at [10] direction. There was no the selective orientation when L12 phase precipitated from the interphase boundary formed by D022 and the disordered matrix. D022 phase had the selective orientation when precipitated from the interphase boundaries of L12, and grew along the [10] direction. The interphase boundary evolution of ordered phase in Ni75AlxV25-x alloy during precipitation was simulated on atomic-scale based on the microscopic phase-field dynamic model. The results show that the second phase precipitated from the interphase boundary formed by the first phase and the disordered matrix at high temperature, and from the interphase boundaries of the first phase at low temperature. L12 phase had obvious selective orientation when precipitated from the interphase boundaries of D022- L12 phase nucleated easily at the interphase boundaries formed by [10] and [01] directions of D022 projection along [001] direction, and grew easily at [10] direction. There was no selective orientation when L12 phase precipitated from the interphase boundary formed by D022 and the disordered matrix. D022 phase had the selective orientation when precipitated from the interphase boundaries of L12, and grew along the [10] direction.
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