Approximate entropy——a new statistic to quantify arc and welding process stability in short-circuiti

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eeeeeedddddd
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Based on the phase state reconstruction of welding current in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding using carbon dioxide as shielding gas,the approximate entropy of welding current as well as its standard deviation has been calculated and analysed to investigate their relation with the stability of electric arc and welding process.The extensive experimental and calculated results show that the approximate entropy of welding current is significantly and positively correlated with arc and welding process stability,whereas its standard deviation is correlated with them negatively.A larger approximate entropy and a smaller standard deviation imply a more stable arc and welding process,and vice versa.As a result,the approximate entropy of welding current promises well in assessing and quantifying the stability of electric arc and welding process in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding. Based on the phase state reconstruction of welding current in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding using carbon dioxide as shielding gas, the approximate entropy of welding current as well as its standard deviation has been calculated and investigated to investigate their relation with the stability of electric arc and welding process. The extensive experimental and calculated results show that the approximate entropy of welding current is significantly and positively correlated with arc and welding process stability, and its standard deviation is correlated with those negatively. A larger approximate entropy and a smaller standard deviation imply a more stable arc and welding process, and vice versa. As a result, the approximate entropy of welding current promises well in assessing and quantifying the stability of electric arc and welding process in short-circuiting gas metal arc welding.
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