Community Discovery with Location?Interaction Disparity in Mobile Social Networks

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  With the fast?growth of mobile social network, people’s interactions are frequently marked with location information, such as longitude and latitude of visited base station. This boom of data has led to considerable interest in research fields such as user behavior mining, trajectory discovery and social demographics. However, there is little research on community discovery in mobile social networks, and this is the problem this work tackles with. In this work, we take advantage of one simple property that people in different locations often belong to different social circles in order to discover communities in these networks. Based on this property, which we referred to as Location?Interaction Disparity (LID), we proposed a state network and then define a quality function evaluating community detection results. We also propose a hybrid community?detection algorithm using LID for discovering location?based communities effectively and efficiently. Experiments on synthesis networks show that this algorithm can run effectively in time and discover communities with high precision. In real?world networks, the method reveals people’s different social circles in different places with high efficiency.
  mobile social network; community detection; LID
  N1 Introduction
  owadays, mobile social network (MSN) services with location support have become a part of people’s lives. This trend has produced a mass of location data that can be used to study human migration patterns and social structure.
  Community detection is a field of social network research related to the social groups that people belong to. Communities are groups of people in a social network, and the amount of interaction within these groups is greater than that between different groups [1]. Group information is useful for further study on viral marketing [2], behavior modeling [3], and network visualization [4].
  Introducing location information into community discovery opens up possibilities for practical application. Advertisers can use location information to push advertisements in specific places and target specific user groups. Friend recommendation for SNS sites can be more location specific when users use social networking applications on mobile devices. What’s more, location information of users often contains time information, communities of one user formed in different places are actually communities formed in different time. Thus social relationship of users in different places can help social network miners understand users’ activity patterns better.   Our fundamental task is to utilize both social relation data and location information to discover communities in MSN. Traditionally, community discovery works are on pure networks that do not take contents of networks into consideration [5], [6]. Recently, much research has been done on location?based social network mining, and the focus of these works is mainly revealing the relationship between human interactions and location. However, most of these works deal with local properties of a social actor, such as social connection strength [7] and user trajectories [8], and no research is being done on community discovery with location information. In reality, it is common for a person to behave quite differently in different locations. For example, a worker might contact colleagues when at work, talk with family when in a metro station heading home, and interact with close friends at home. Therefore it is natural for one actor in a location?marked social network to have multiple communities in different places. Taking advantage of these properties can be helpful for community discovery in MSN.
  There can be several challenges in integrating location information into community discovery. First, the scale of the problem can be several times larger because users can be in multiple places with social connections in every place. Therefore efficient algorithms need to be designed to tackle large datasets. Second, traditional measures of user similarity for community discovery only comprise of social interactions, but no location information is included in the measurement. Finally, a new data model needs to be built for both location and social interaction information.
  In this paper, we tackle the problem of finding communities in MSN by establishing a model that integrates location and social interaction features. We then design an efficient, high?precision algorithm for this model. First, we examine and confirm that it is common for users to have different communities when they are in different locations. We name this sort of disparity as Location?Interaction Disparity (LID). Then inspired by LID we propose a state network model for detecting community structure, where one state denotes one user in a specific location and links represent users interact in different locations. This model can easily describe the phenomenon of people in different locations belonging to different communities. After that, we define a quality function for state model based on modularity. Then we propose a community detection algorithm integrated with LID for effective and efficient community discovery. This algorithm has a conglomerating step and divisive step and is called a hybrid community detection algorithm. Experiments on synthesis data set verified the superiority of our proposed algorithm. We also conduct experiments on real?world data, which shows that users can be in different types of communities indicating different activities.   The primary contributions of this paper are as follows.
  1)We propose a state network model for discovering communities in MSN with location interaction disparity.
  2)We design a quality function based on modularity for state networks communities.
  3)We propose an efficient algorithm to discover communities in MSN with state network model and quality function.
  4)We present experiments on both synthesis and real?world data sets to show that our methods are effective and efficient.
  2 Model and Problem Definition
  2.1 LocationInteraction Disparity
  People tend to have different social relations in different places. For example, when people are at work, they tend to contact their colleagues, and when they are at home, they tend to contact their friends in private circles. This phenomenon, called LID, also happens on virtual spaces such as cyber?spaces where different websites tend to provide different services, thus leading to different types of social relations.
  We investigate LID in a real?world MSN. This network is originally represented as a collection of (ui, li,t, uj, lj,t, t), where (ui, li,t) means that at time t, person ui in location li,t calls person uj in location lj,t . The location of every user ui is given by [Li={li,t|?(ui,li,t,uj,lj,t,t)∈D}] where some communications are made in these locations. We generate a communication feature vector ci,l for every l [∈] Li, such that ci,l(j) = |{(ui, l, uj, lj,t, t)}|. These vectors actually record the communication frequency of user ui to others in different places.
  To simplify the investigation, we take users with marked home and work cells, or O cells and D cells, to show that LID exists widely in human communication networks. Both O and D cells are marked via the methods proposed in [9], and the differences between different locations are measured with Kendall’s τ [10] to avoid non?normality in degree distribution. For every ui, we measure Kendall’s τ between ci,Oi and ci,Di and plot [9τn(n-1)/2(2n+5)] (Fig. 1). We transform τ in this way because the distribution of τ is approximated with normal distribution[N0, 2(2n+5)/9n(n-1)].
  In Fig. 1, most users have negative correlation between their O and D feature vectors. With a confidence level of 95%, we show that 65.2% of all the users show LID between home and work. This result shows that LID phenomenon is common in people’s daily lives.
  2.2 State Network
  To effectively discover communities in MSNs with LID, we need to make sure that two locations for one person with significant LID are separated. Following this idea we introduce a state network model for discovering communities in MSN.   In our work, a state network has several sets of nodes and links between these nodes. The sets are called entities and the nodes are called states. In a real scenario, an entity represents a single person and a state represents a person location tuple (u, l), when user u appears in l. There is an edge exists between two states (u1, l1) and (u2, l2) only if two entities u1 and u2 interact when they are in l1 and l2 respectively, or in real scenario, two people have contacted each other in two different locations. For example, if there are two users u1 and u2, their home and work places are hu1, wu1 and hu2, wu2, respectively. We call
   and two states for u1. An edge between and means that u1 and u2 made phone calls when u1 is in hu1 and u2 is in hu2. The weights of edges are the number of calls made between two linked states.
  To give a formal definition, we define our network as an undirected graph G = , where V is the set of states and Γ is the set of entities which satisfies [V=∪γi∈ Γγi], [γi≠0] and [γi∩γj=0] for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ |Γ|. A ∈ R|V |×|V | is the adjacency matrix for the state network. We require that Aij = 0 if ?γk so that vi, vj [∈] γk, because there should be no links within a single entity. For convenience, we define si as the entity index of vi, i.e. si = j only if vi ∈ γj.
  Fig. 2 shows the configuration of a state network. In this network, there are four entities, γ1 to γ4, marked as ovals in the bottom and for every entity, there are several states, marked as circles. The dotted lines in Fig. 2 show the belonging relationship between states and entities.
  With the definition of state network we can give the definition of communities. In our network, communities are defined as unoverlapped sets of states. In Fig. 2, there are two state communities, one marked with light gray and another is marked with dark gray. States belonging to γ2 are divided into two different communities. This overlap is due to the disparity of interaction of γ2 between v2, v3 and v4, v5. States in γ2 with LID are explicitly separated in this model.
  However, when two states in one entity do not show significant LID, these two states should not be separated into two communities, which do not show explicitly in our model.
  2.3 Modularity for State Network
  Now that we have our state network, we need to define a quality function for community division. We use Newman’s modularity to evaluate the quality of community detection in our state network. In [11], Newman’s modularity calculates the difference between the real adjacency matrix and a null model, and the null model is a randomized graph where nodes are reconnected with a property proportional to their degrees and thus community structure is removed. The expression of Newman’s modularity is shown below.   [Q=12mi,j(Aij-kikj2m)] (1)
  The definition of state network we defined above is actually a multipartite network with no edges between states within the same entity. Given this property, we modify the definition of null model to make sure that no links exist between nodes within the same state. Note that term [kikj/4m2][ ]in Newman’s modularity in (1) show that in the original null model, the probability that two nodes connect together is proportional to the number of stubs (i.e., half?edges) they own respectively. In our modification of modularity, we use this idea to define modularity on state networks. Given that number of pairs of stubs is:
  [M=4m2-γi∈ Γvj∈γikj2+vi∈γiki2] (2)
  and for every pair of nodes vi and vj, the number of stubs each node own are ki and kj, we can have our modularity for state networks defined as:
  [Q=i,jAij2m-kikjM1-δsi,sjδci,cj] (3)
  The multiplier 1?[δsi,sj]means that, for states within one entity, the probability that two states links is equal to 0.
  With the definition of modularity, we can discover communities within our state network by maximizing Qb. In addition, we can also discuss the problem in Section 2.2. Given that directly bridging LID and modularity is not easy, we turn to solve an alternative problem, which is given as Theorem 1.
  Theorem 1. Merging states i and j in a state network with δsi,sjδci,cj = 1 does not affect Qb, which means that optimal community division is stable against merge and separation of states.
  The proof of this theorem can be simply done by calculating the new modularity value after merging i and j. This theorem guarantees that separating and merging states in one entity within the same community does not change the value of modularity. That is, multiple states for one entity in the same group do not affect community discovery.
  The last step is to show that the problem of maximizing [Q] is NP?hard. For a random graph, we assume that every node is a single state entity. In this case, [Mc=4m2]and [Q=Q+iki2/ M]. As stated by Brandes et al. [12], modularity maximization on undirected network is NP?hard, hence maximizing our modified modularity is also NP?hard, as [iki2/M] is a constant for a fixed graph.
  2.4 Problem Definition
  We give a formal definition of the problem we need to solve. Suppose that we have a database D with records in vectors like , where denotes person ui in location li,t while person uj in location lj,t at specific time t and they communicated. This kind of records appear in a wide scope, from mobile phone calls to check?in data from location?based social network services. Thus we define a state network as G = , where V = {}, γi = {} and Apq =|{t|? s.t. = vp and = vq}|. We need to discover a community division C that maximizes Qb as is defined in (3). As is stated in Section 2.3, maximizing Qb is an NP?hard problem.   3 Algorithm
  We first discuss the spectral algorithm for state networks, SASN, then the greedy algorithm for state networks, GASN. We combine these two methods together with integrated LID information to create a hybrid community detection algorithm (HCD).
  3.1 Spectral Algorithm for State Networks
  SASN is based on Newman’s work [13], which is a popular approach to calculating optimal community discovery results. In that work, the basic steps of the algorithm is to perform binary divisions, while each division step is done by calculating S that maximizes ?Q = Tr(STB(C)S) and divide given signs of S, where B(C) is the generalized modularity matrix defined as
  [B(C)ij=Bij-δijl∈ CBil,i,j∈C] (4)
  The method is a spectral method because S is computed via eigen decomposition of Bij(C).
  For SASN, we need to calculate [B(C)ij] for MSN and then follow the framework of the original iterative division framework. Given that existing implementations of the spectral approach, such as the igraph package [14], use Lanczos algorithm to solve eigenvectors of modularity matrices, and in Lanczos algorithm, all we need to compute eigenvectors of a matrix M is to define a function multiplying M with a random vector S [15], we provide the result of multiplication for Bb(C)S instead of Bb(C) for SASN as follows:
  [B(C)S=BS-diag{B1n}S] (5)
  [BS=A2m-kkT2mS+1Mp=1Γk(i)k(i)TS(i)-1Mdiag{k2i}] (6)
  As there is no overlap between states, the complexity to compute [BS] is O(n). Hence, the total time complexity is O(kn), where k is the number of iterations.
  3.2. Greedy Algorithm for State Networks
  Given that in SASN, iteration number of k can be quite large, we need to find a faster algorithm. Therefore we propose an algorithm base on FastGreedy algorithm proposed by Newman and Girvan [13], which is often used as a fast approach towards large?scale networks. This algorithm initializes every single node as a community and then iteratively merge connected community pairs with maximal value of [ΔQCu,Cv=1/2meuv-auav/2m]. This value computes the gain when communities Cu and Cv are merged. In our work, as we use MSN instead of original modularity, ?QCu,Cv can be computed as (7).
  [ΔQCu,Cv=euv2m-auavM+DCu,Cv] (7)
  [DCu,Cv=1Mp=1Γa(p)ua(p)v] (8)
  where[euv=i∈Cu,j∈CvAij],[ au=i∈Cukk] and [a(p)u=i∈Cuk(p)i].The time cost of computing ?QCu,Cv mainly falls on computing DCu,Cv. A naive idea for computing DCu, Cv is to calculate summation of [a(p)ua(p)v]directly. In this way, time complexity for calculating DCu, Cv is therefore O(|Γ|). When |Γ| is comparable to n, which is often the case, this complexity can deteriorate to O(n). Thus, the overall computational complexity for the algorithm is [OnEdlogn]assuming that d is the depth of iteration, which is intolerable for very large n.   We improve the performance of this algorithm and derive GASN by exploiting the properties of item DCu,Cv. We notice that [a(p)ua(p)v≠0] if and only if [γp?Cu ≠0]and [γp?Cv ≠0]. We say that in this case, entity p is shared by Cu and Cv. This property shows that an entity is affected if and only if it is shared by different communities, which give us a way to optimize the naive algorithm.
  We generate an entity clique graph (ECG) to help us computing DCu,Cv efficiently. An ECG is a multigraph where every node denotes a community and every edge means that there is one entity shared by two communities. Given this definition, there can be multiple edges between two nodes denoting multiple entities shared by two communities, each representing one entity. We denote these edges as (u, v, p), meaning that entity p is now shared by Cu and Cv. What’s more, nodes in ECG form a clique when they shared states from one entity. If [a(p)ua(p)v≠0]and only if there is an edge (u, v, p) exists for entity γp connecting nodes representing Cu and Cv.
  In many implementations of FastGreedy algorithms, such as Newman and Girvan’s original work [13], Wakita [6] and Schuetz’s optimized version [16], there are two fundamental steps: the update step and the merge step. In the update step, ?QCu,Cv is updated for every community pair affected by the merge. That is, if one community in a community pair is merged by a community outside the current pair, its ?Q should be updated for further merges. In our algorithm, an extra item, DCu,Cv, is calculated and added to the original ?Q. The update step is shown in detail in Algorithm 1.
  In the merge step, two selected communities are merged into one community. In this step, at and[ a(p)t] are updated given the merge from Cf to Ct. The merge step for GASN is shown in Algorithm 2.
  We analyze the efficiency of the algorithm within Newman and Girvan’s original FastGreedy framework (NGFG) because existing derivative works only have difference in time costs in constant multipliers, and it is easy to replace update and merge steps in these algorithms with GASN. In NGFG, only one community pair with maximum ?QCu, Cv is selected and merged, while all ?QCu, Cw and ?QCv,Cw values are updated to reflect the merge. The merge continues until Q stops to increase, or there is only one community left. The election of maximum ?Q takes [Onlogn]if a max?heap is used.
  Then we analyze the complexity of update and merge steps, which is based on the dendrogram of merges. The merge depth is defined as the maximal depth of two nodes involved in the merge. It is easy to see that communities never overlap in merges with same depth, which provide us convenience for the analysis of the update step. For update steps in merges with same depth, number of edges updated can be at most 2|E|, as one edge in state network can be updated at most twice. It is the same for ECG. Therefore the time complexity for update steps in merges with the same depth is [OElog|E|+OEECGlogEECGlogn]if efficient lookup data structures are employed. Therefore the total time cost for the update step is [OEdlog2n] for the whole algorithm, where d is the depth of dendrogram. For the merge step, the most time?consuming step is to calculate[ a(p)t], and this can take [OEECGlog|EECG|]for the whole algorithm. Summing all these up we get the whole computation complexity as [OEdlog2n]. Given that in a real scenario,[ γi] can be relatively small, [EECG≤1≤p≤Γγp2≤] [O(n)]. Hence the expression of complexity can be further simplified to [OEdlog2n], which is significantly less than the naive approach.   3.3 Hybrid Community Detection
  SASN runs quite slowly because there can be a large number of iterations before it converges. On the other hand, GASN can be quite biased as it might generate many communities with only one or two members, even if heuristics efforts such as that introduced by Schuetz et al. [16] to balance the merge are taken. We get an applicable method for large networks with high quality. It is common for people to behave differently in different places, which naturally led to different communities. This LID feature can be made use of in our algorithm.
  To take advantage of the LID feature, we combine SASN and GASN to create a hybrid community detection algorithm with two stages for the proposed state network. The first stage is called the conglomerating stage, where GASN is used to conglomerate all the states into communities. In this stage, LID information is used to stop two communities from merging if these two communities both have states from one entity and show significant disparity in interaction. This guarantees that at the end of the execution of GASN, the network is divided into several small fragments, not merely one large network. The second stage is called the divisive stage, where SASN is executed on every divided fragment of the network to get refined results. Given that each fragment is significantly smaller than the original network, SASN can run much faster than running on the original data set. The algorithm framework is shown in Algorithm 3.
  4 Experiments
  In this section, we evaluate the efficiency and correction of SASN, GASN, and HCD. Typically, it is not possible for a real?world network to provide data on community membership; thus, we first conduct experiment on the synthesis network to evaluate the correctness of these algorithms. Then we turn to real?world data to evaluate the efficiency of these algorithms as well as the features extracted by these algorithms.
  4.1 Experiments on Synthesis Data
  We build stochastic networks for the experiment. These networks all have 2000 state nodes. These nodes are divided into 10 communities and every community has 200 states. We create links within these communities with probability pi = 30% and links between different communities with varying po, which will be shown later. Furthermore, we put all these state nodes into 1400 entities. 700 entities have only one state, 400 entities have two, while the rest have three. The reason for the entity sizes is that in real?world networks, more users tend to have a few locations of interest, while some users can have many such locations. The state?entity relationship is generated randomly. Finally, we pick state nodes within one entity but assigned to different communities and randomly select 50% of them to form an LID pair set. Normalized mutual information (NMI) [17] is used to measure the clustering performance of algorithms. The value of NMI ranges between 0 and 1, and a larger NMI indicates a better clustering result. When NMI = 1, two communities are exactly the same.   We vary po from 0.0025 to 0.025 with a 0.0025 step to create networks with different density of edges outside the communities. For every algorithm and every po setting, we generate and execute our algorithm 50 times to get an average performance. When po = 0.0025, the community structure is quite explicit. However, when po = 0.025, for communities with 200 nodes, number of expected edges from the same community is close to the number of expected edges from the whole network. Thus the community structure is not so explicit.
  Fig. 3a shows the clustering performance in terms of NMI. Three lines from top to bottom show the performance for HCD, GASN and SASN, respectively. HCD performs the best, and SASN performs the worst. This can be explained by the power of LID. For GASN the performance is good for small po. However, the result deteriorates to the level of SASN when more noise is added to the network. We investigate the result of communities generated by GASN and discover that when the network densifies, FastGreedy became so biased that small communities with only one or two members were generated, which hamper the performance. We also mark variance for every data point. HCD is the most stable method of all three algorithms when the network is sparse, which is guaranteed by its divisive step.
  Fig. 3b shows the running time for these three algorithms. HCD runs slower than GASN, as it needs more computation on division step. But HCD still outperforms SASN in sparse networks, as the fragment to be divided by spectral method is smaller than the original SASN. When the network becomes denser, time cost of HCD grows because more ?Q on edges need to be updated, and the size of fragments of the network generated by the conglomerate step grow. This leads to slower convergence of divisive step. These results show that HCD outperforms other algorithms referred to in our experiment especially in sparse networks. As real?world networks are mostly sparse, HCD is more competitive than other methods.
  4.2 Experiments on RealWorld Data
  After evaluating our algorithms on synthesis network, we evaluate our algorithm on real?world data sets. Our data are collected from cellphone call records in a medium city in China with a population of about 400,000 in 14 days. Different from data used in other researches, phone records in our phone call record contain cell information for both the calling and called people. We also obtained information on virtual phone networks (VPN) users join. These VPNs are user groups established by companies for their employees to enjoy free calls within the company, which provide us another source of validation of user belongings.   We first extract telephone calls from the largest four VPNs to conduct our experiments. We define every user as an entity and every user?location pair as a state node if the user has made more than five calls in this location. Given that there can be a number of disconnected components in the extracted graph, we take the largest connected component for the subsequent analysis. This component has 5927 state nodes, 3364 entities and 8571 edges. Fig. 4a shows that degree distribution of this component observes power law. Therefore this component is a typical complex network. Fig. 4b shows the number of states owned by entities. Most of the people only make phone call frequently in one single place while some people make phone calls in different places.
  We also evaluate the number of links between different VPNs and the result is shown in Table 1. We can see that the number of links inside a VPN is larger than the number of links outside a VPN. This means that VPN data in our dataset have some properties as communities, which can be taken advantage of to evaluate our algorithm.
  First, we borrow the conception of NMI. Given that traditional definition of NMI by Strehl et al. [17] only takes unoverlapped communities into account, we instead propose an extended version of NMI that takes overlaps in our model into account. Given one divisions of state network [X={CX1,CX2, ... ,CXγ}] and another division of entity network[ Y={CY1,CY2, ... ,CYS}], our extended version of NMI can be calculated as follows:
  [mNMIX,Y=I(X,Y)/H(X)H(Y)] (9)
  [IX,Y=u,vBXY(u,v)lognBXY(u,v)Oxu|CYv] (10)
  [HX=uOxulogOxun] (11)
  [Bxy(u,v)=p?CXu?Cyv1γsp] (12)
  [OX(u)=p?CXu1γsp] (13)
  In this definition, when an entity is completely in one community, it will be accounted as 1 in the calculation. Otherwise it will only be accounted as[CXu∩γsp/γsp]for community u. Therefore for multiple communities sharing one entity, every community only own part of the entity, which is proportional to the number of states it owns. [mNMI]is equivalent to the original version when every entity only owns one state node.
  We conduct experiment on this of network by using HCD algorithm as we have proved that HCD outperforms other algorithms on synthesis data, and LID set generated from user’s calling behavior in different locations and selected with Kendall’s τ with 95% confidence. First, we show the correctness of communities generated with HCD on state networks. We vary the number of communities to be generated and run traditional spectral algorithm on entity network and HCD on state networks because there is no inhibition information available in entity network. Extended NMI is computed for community number from 50 to 200 between discovered communities and VPN data, and the result is shown in Fig. 5a. Communities generated from state network have slightly higher NMI than entity network. Thus HCD on state network is slightly better than original approaches.   Then we investigate the communities owned by users. As is shown in Fig. 5b, many users only belong to one single community, and the rest belong to multiple communities. This result shows that many users belong to different communities in different locations. To illustrate this more explicitly, we investigate these communities by case study.
  We extract phone call records within every community and calculate histograms of these calls for every community and then put these histograms into clusters by cosine distances. From these clusters, we observed two different types of communities: daytime, where phone calls are mostly made during the day, and nighttime, where calls are made at night. These two types of communities reveal different activity patterns of people. Given that in our work, one person can belong to multiple communities, it is natural that they might belong to daytime communities and night communities simultaneously. There are 157 people who belong to both daytime clusters and night clusters. Fig. 6 shows two communities of one single user. The histogram on the left is a typical daytime community, while the one on the right is a night community showing that one user have different social circle in different time.
  As we generate states by locations, we also analyze the locations of these nodes. We have already noted that users have different contact behavior in different places; thus, people should have different communities in these places. In our result, we see 75.6% O?D pairs are separated in different communities in the result of HCD. Fig. 7 shows the locations of one single user appeared in a map. According to the method proposed by Huang et al. [9], to mark O and D of users, two locations in the bottom?right corner was recognized as O and D of one user. However, in the result generated by HCD, we can see two communities: C147 in the top?left corner of the map and C169 in the bottom?right corner. Two locations in C169 recognized as different locations are actually in one community in our result. Looking up information on the map, we discover that the bottom?right corner is a residential area, and the top?left corner has a power plant. Phone call record also reveal that time of calls the user made in the bottom?right corner varies through all the day, and the time of calls made in the top?left corner are all in working hours. This show that locations on the top?left corner are more likely to be work locations, while the bottom?right to be home locations. This show that community discovery in MSN can discover communities with location properties.   Finally we investigate the scalability of our algorithms. We merge nodes from the largest VPN to the smallest and form 10 networks sizing from 5881 to 88427 and run SASN, GASN and HCD on these networks. In Fig. 8, SASN run fastest, while HCD run slower, as it need to split large communities in the divisive stage. SASN run slowest, and its time cost become intolerable as the number of states grow larger than 5 × 104. The result shows that HCD can run efficiently with higher accuracy and acceptable time cost comparing to GASN.
  5 Related Works
  There have been many existing works studying the relationship between social links and locations of social actors. Eagle et al. [18] and Li et al. [7] measure user similarities given locations or trajectories of users. The Method proposed by these authors can achieve satisfactory results on link prediction. Cho et al. [8] study the differences between trajectories caused by activity patterns of users and trajectories caused by movements of users, and then create a model of user mobility given link information. However, most of these works are only concerned with local information, i.e., trajectories and friends of one single user.
  Another related field is the modification of modularity to find communities. There have been many attempts to extend modularity in (1) for specific types of graphs. Barber et al. [19] extend modularity from normal graphs to bipartite graphs by restricting links between nodes with different colors in the null model. Mucha et al. [20] make a further step by creating a model for multi?slice networks. The author model temporal changes in networks by dividing the network into different slices and calculate modularity for two types of links, i.e., links between slices and links within every slice. However, for networks combined with location information, the method to divide nodes into slices is to be studied.
  Some researchers pay attention to the combination of link and content to discover communities. Gomez et al. [21] add negative links into network and modify modularity by replacing the target function with a linear combination of positive modularity and negative modularity. Yang et al. [22] integrate content model into link analysis, which can be another method for integrating location information.
  For community detection algorithms, Lancichinetti et al. [23] give a comprehensive comparison of existing community discovery algorithms. Many existing community discovery algorithms have computational complexity greater than O(n2), which mean that these algorithms are not applicable for large scale networks. Therefore we select spectral approach and FastGreedy for our work.   6 Conclusion
  MSN data are now growing fast, revealing people’s interactions in different locations. In this work, we propose an approach to detecting communities in this type of network. We observe location interaction disparity and define a state model in which states represent user?location tuples and entities represent users. This model leverages location interaction disparity. We extend traditional definition of modularity to our model and formally describe community detection problem for location?based social network. Then we modify existing spectral approach and FastGreedy algorithm to create SASN and GASN with efficiency optimization. Given the time cost and precision of these two algorithms we propose HCD for higher precision and lower time cost. LID can be easily integrated into this algorithm as heuristics.
  Experiments on synthesis data show that HCD outperforms SASN and GASN in precision. For the aspect of time cost, HCD runs slower than GASN since it uses GASN as the first step, but significantly faster than SASN when the network is sparse. This property holds both on synthesis data and real?world data. We show in real world data that many users belong to different communities in different places. In a case study we find that users can be in different types of communities, indicating different activities for users in different locations.
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  Manuscript received: 2015?04?21
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