
来源 :矿业研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oyocean1
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采用ETM+数据,利用主成分分析提取了研究区的铁染和羟基蚀变信息;利用ASTER数据提取了研究区的蛇纹石化、绿泥石化及高岭土等蚀变信息,并利用实测的橄榄岩及方辉橄榄岩光谱数据,与遥感图像特征进行光谱匹配,提取了研究区的橄榄岩与方辉橄榄岩信息;利用HIS高光谱数据提取了蛇纹石、绿泥石及其铬铁矿的相关信息。遥感蚀变信息提取结果显示:研究区的蚀变总体沿NW向展布,并且向研究区的东部外围进行延展。同时,采用ALOS数据提取了研究区的岩性及构造信息,发现蚀变主要赋存于橄榄岩与方辉橄榄岩中,这也是赋存铬铁矿的主要岩石特征。另外,在研究区的ES部存在线-环构造交错的区域,这为矿产的集中与分布提供了极为有利的场所。根据蚀变、构造、岩性等综合分析所得:构造集中的地段与橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩中的强蚀变区域吻合,在线-环构造相交的部位及环形构造的内部,可进行野外的重点勘查,探寻找矿及探矿的突破口。 Using ETM + data, principal component analysis was used to extract iron-dye and hydroxyl alteration information in the study area. ASTER data was used to extract alteration information of serpentinization, chloritization and kaolin in the study area. Based on the measured peridotites and Hatch the peridotite spectral data, and the remote sensing image characteristics of spectral matching, extraction of the study area of ​​peridotite and Hectorite information; HIS hyperspectral data extraction of serpentine, chlorite and its chromite correlation information. The results of remote sensing alteration information show that the alteration of the study area spreads along the NW direction and extends to the eastern periphery of the study area. At the same time, ALOS data was used to extract the lithology and tectonic information of the study area. It is found that alteration mainly occurs in peridotite and harzburgites, which are also the main rock characteristics of chromite ore. In addition, there is an area of ​​line-ring structure interlaced in the ES part of the study area, which provides an extremely favorable place for the concentration and distribution of mineral resources. Based on the comprehensive analysis of alteration, tectonics and lithology, it is concluded that the tectonic focus area is consistent with the strong alteration area of ​​peridotite and harzburgite, the intersection of line-ring structure and the interior of ring structure, Focus on exploration, exploration and mineral prospecting breakthrough.
越来越多的小剧场的出现,让本就竞争激烈的演出市场更加异彩纷呈,小剧场的经营者们不断为了自己的生存和发展而奋斗。 The emergence of more and more small theaters has