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关于光路可逆性,教材仅指出:“光反射时的光路是可逆的;光折射时的光路也是可逆的。”没有详细的分析和定量的应用例举,以致学生往往造成错觉,认为光路可逆性无关重要。实际上光路可逆性是几何光学中的一个重要结论,它在控制光路,研究成像等问题时有独特的作用,近几年的高考题充分体现了这一点。从思维角度来讲,应用光路可逆性来解题,是一种逆向思维的训练和养成的过程,它对学生灵活应用几何光学的基本规律起着十分重要的作用,故教学中应引起重视。本文拟就光路可逆性的物理意义,基本解题方法和步骤作些探讨,供同行参考。 Regarding the reversibility of the light path, the textbook only states: “The light path during light reflection is reversible; the light path at the time of light refraction is also reversible.” Without detailed analysis and quantitative application examples, students often cause illusions that light path reversibility Not important. In fact, the reversibility of the optical path is an important conclusion in geometrical optics. It has a unique role in controlling the optical path and studying imaging problems. The college entrance examination questions in recent years have fully reflected this point. From the perspective of thinking, applying the reversibility of the optical path to solve problems is a process of training and cultivation of reverse thinking. It plays an important role in students’ flexible application of the basic laws of geometrical optics. Therefore, attention should be paid to teaching. . This article intends to discuss the physical significance of light path reversibility, basic problem-solving methods and steps for reference by peers.
科学研究表明,孔雀石绿具有高毒素、高残留和致癌、致畸、致突变作用,被许多国家列为水产养殖禁用药物。这几年,水产品中孔雀石绿等药物残留的检测技术,也在不断发展和 Scie
对1994年高考22题一种证法的推敲汤先键(兰州市万里中学730070)题目已知函数f(x)=tgx,若x1,且x1≠x2,证明[1]、[2]、[3]等文给出了“凸函数”证法:证明如图,f(x)=tgx,是下凸函数,在正切曲线上任取两点P1(x1,t... Question of a certifica
函数夕。 丫滚二毛万109。又3二*l)(a二O_且为( ).、一去一〔:3告一。了1)的定义域 娇_、:3只‘节O c一乡!、3且忿、。D·与·的取值有关 ,3·函数,(·)一1。全抖.。(·)一l
The aim of the study was to define the relevance of deletions and duplications within the DAZ gene cluster to male factor infertility in a population of 90 infe
<正> 失重与超重实验是演示实验中的一个难点。由于物体的快速运动和时间的短暂,往往给学生的观察带来困难。本刊1994年第2期刊登的《失重小实验》一文中作者介绍的做法是通
本刊1994年第6期《浮针、浮币实验中的表面张力》一文中,最后给出的结论是:硬币是在表面张力与浮力的共同作用下漂浮于水面。笔者对此结论,特作如下商榷。 In the article