
来源 :昆虫天敌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raincy
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食卵赤螨Abrophees sp.又名大红蜘蛛,对红铃虫卵有一定抑制作用。我们于1978~1979年对它进行了一些调查观察,现将结果整理如下。生活习性食卵赤螨以成虫在树皮裂缝、枯叶、墙壁缝隙等避风向阳处越冬,次年3月下旬开始活动。在竹叶、野菊花、蚕豆、榆树、黄花菜等植物上均有分布,5月下旬进入棉田,多在棉花中、下部叶片背面活动,并能钻进棉铃萼片内捕食红铃虫卵,也能捕食红铃虫初孵幼虫。在食料缺乏时,也吃棉红蜘蛛和棉铃上的锈病孢子。成螨一般多在下午4时交配,交配时间一般2~3分钟,最长达5分钟左右,交配后三天雌螨开始产卵。卵多 Ebrigidae Abrophees sp., Also known as red spider, has some inhibition of the red bollworm eggs. We conducted some investigations into it from 1978 to 1979, and we now summarize the results as follows. Living habits Egg red mite to adult worms bark cracks, dead leaves, wall cracks and other shelter sunny place, the following year in late March began activities. In the bamboo leaves, wild chrysanthemum, broad bean, elm, lily and other plants are distributed in late May into the cotton field, mostly in the cotton, the lower leaves of the back activities, and can drill boll sepals predation of red bollworm eggs, also Can prey on the newly hatched larvae of red bollworm. In the absence of food, but also eat cotton spider mites and boll rust spores. Adult mites usually mate at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, mating time is generally 2 to 3 minutes, up to 5 minutes or so, female mites began to lay eggs three days after mating. Egg and more
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Bay Meb 6447由南开大学元素所1977年合成引入,现正式命名为粉锈宁。化学名称为1-(4-氯苯氧基)-1-(1,2,4—三唑-1-基)-3,3—二甲基-2-丁酮。它的毒性较低,对雄大白鼠口服的
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五十年代初,国外报导了菜青虫Peris rapae发生颗粒体病毒病。此后不少工作者以引入种群、诱导流行病或喷雾防治等方法,用此种病毒防治菜青虫,均获得良好结果。我国1972年在
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