抓好主题教育 保持党员先进性

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无锡电缆厂党委多年来结合企业生产经营,在党员中通过开展主题鲜明、重点突出、联系实际、丰富多彩的教育活动,促使党员自觉适应时代要求,保持党员先进性,增强了党组织的战斗力和凝聚力。搞好党员主题教育,必须注重把握“三个性”结合企业实际,提高教育实效性。我们在开展党员主题教育活动时十分注重结合企业工作实际,提高教育的实效性。为顺应企业生产经营和发展,近几年来党委在党员中开展了“树立新形象、创出新业绩”、“新挑战、新奉献”、“增创新优势、增强竞争力”等主题教育,通过组织学习《牢记党员先进性的时代要求,当好“三个代表”》党课教材,促使广大 Over the years, Wuxi Cable Factory Party Committee, in combination with its production and operation, has conducted a series of educational activities among Party members through distinctive themes, prominent and relevant practical and colorful activities, urged party members to adapt themselves to the requirements of the times, maintain the advanced nature of party members, and enhance the combat effectiveness of party organizations Cohesion To do a good job of thematic education for party members, we must pay attention to grasping the “three qualities” in combination with the actual conditions of enterprises and improving the effectiveness of education. When we carry out the theme education activities for party members, we attach great importance to the actual work of enterprises and enhance the effectiveness of education. In order to comply with the production, operation and development of enterprises, in recent years, party committees have carried out such theme education as “setting new images and creating new achievements”, “new challenges and new dedications”, “creating new advantages and enhancing competitiveness” among party members, Organizational Learning “Keeping in Mind the Demands of the Advanced Nature of Party Members, Being Good at” Three Represents “and” Party Teaching Materials "
传说在很久很久以前,有一年正月初八的晚上,老鼠嫁女儿。  只见到处张灯结彩,喜烛高照。
杰克·韦尔奇认为企业不必复杂化。对他来说,使事情保持简单是商业活动的要旨之一。他说,他的目标是“将我们在GE所做的一切事情、所制造的一切东西‘去复杂化’”。 他经常