BAT三巨头联手 移动广告黑匣子能否被打破

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移动广告业内饱受诟病的“黑匣子”问题,有望被彻底打破。这一信号来自于首个聚合BAT(百度(158.42,0.77,0.49%)、阿里、腾讯(514,6.50,1.28%,实时行情))三巨头的移动广告联盟——中国数字化营销与服务产业联盟(下称“联盟”)。与传统广告行业的体量大动作缓慢不同,互联网广告自出现开始就在短时间内进行迅猛的变革;特别是在移动互联网浪潮下,移动广告更是高速增长,但由于行业标准缺失,引发从业者及广告主的担忧。增长背后的隐忧易观数据显示,2013年中国互联网广告市场规模达 Mobile advertising industry has been criticized “black box ” problem, is expected to be completely broken. The signal from the first polymerization BAT (Baidu), Ali, Tencent (514,6.50,1.28%, real-time market) Big Three mobile advertising alliance - China Digital Marketing and Service Industry Alliance (Hereinafter referred to as “Union”). In contrast to the sluggish mass movement of the traditional advertising industry, internet advertising has undergone rapid changes in a short period of time since its inception. Especially in the wave of mobile Internet, mobile advertising has seen rapid growth. However, due to lack of industry standards, And advertisers worry. The hidden worries behind the growth Analysys data show that in 2013 China’s Internet advertising market up to scale
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