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鞠躬尽粹 父亲的一生,是奉献的一生。在60多年的革命生涯中,他就象春蚕一样,将最后的蚕丝吐了出来,献给了革命,献给了人民。 父亲1907年12月22日生于广东省兴宁县一个富裕的农民家庭。1926年考入了在梅县的嘉应大学预科班。在该校陈教授进步思想和革命活动的影响下,父亲毅然投身于革命之中,如饥似渴地阅读了《共产党人ABC》,《唯物史观浅论》等大量的革命书籍。父亲1927年加入中国社会主义青年团。翌年,转入中国共产党并担任永和区委书记。他的公开职业是旱塘小学的教书先生。 父亲身先士卒率领永和区委干部一班人,积极宣传党的纲领,壮大党团支部,巩固发展乡农会赤卫队,与当时赫赫有名的县委委员、驳壳队长黄佐才一起,摧毁敌人哨卡,缴获敌人枪枝弹药,武装农会赤卫队,大灭了敌人的威风。 1929年春,父亲在旱塘小学秘密主持召开党团员联席会议,传达县委会议精神,布置区委继续反帝、反封,实行土地革命,发展工农政权,壮大工农武装的具体工作。当晚散会后,大多数同志秘密离开小学,只留下父亲和少数人继续商议。半夜突然遭到敌人围捕,父 Consecrated father’s life, is dedicated life. In more than 60 years of revolutionary career, he, just like the silkworm, uttered the last silk and devoted it to the revolution and dedicated it to the people. His father was born December 22, 1907 in Xingning County, Guangdong Province, a wealthy peasant family. In 1926 admitted to Meixian Jiaying University preparatory classes. Under the influence of Professor Chen’s progressive thinking and revolutionary activities, his father devoted himself to the revolution, desperate to read a large number of revolutionary books such as “Communists ABC” and “Theory of Historical Materialism.” His father joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in 1927. The following year, transferred to the Communist Party of China and served as secretary of Yonghe District. His public career is a teaching teacher at Dry Tong Primary School. His father took the lead to lead a group of cadres of Yonghe District Party Committee. He actively propagated the party’s program and expanded the party branch to consolidate the development of the township farmer’s Red Guards. Together with the then well-known county party committee member and barbaric captain Huang Zuocai, the father destroyed enemy checkpoints and seized enemy guns Branch ammunition, armed Peasant Red Guards, killing the enemy’s prestige. In the spring of 1929, my father held a joint meeting of party members and members in the secret of the elementary school in the pond and convened the spirit of the county party committee to lay out the specific work of the district committee on continuing the anti-imperialist and anti-seal and agrarian revolutions, developing the workers and peasants’ regime and strengthening the armed forces of the workers and peasants. After the meeting was over in the evening, most of the comrades left the primary school in secret and only left behind their fathers and minorities to continue their deliberations. Suddenly caught by the enemy in the middle of the night, Father
9月15日,山西省夏县工商局干部杨某因醉酒后无证驾车被夏县交警队行政拘留,并罚款3500元。 September 15, Xia County, Shanxi Province Industrial and Commercial Bureau
虹口区档案局拓宽档案信息开发的新路子,由他们编辑的《虹口报导剪辑》在为本区领导和有关部门及时提供信息方面发挥了作用,深得区领导其他部门的赞赏。 Hongkou District
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派出所工作好不好?群众满意不满意?来自基层的人大代表最有发言权。  2008年12月26日,普陀区沈家门街道人大工委组织20多名省、市、区人大代表走进沈中派出所,对该派出所近两年工作进行了面对面评议。据了解,近几年来,沈家门街道一直都在尝试这种面对面“挑刺”的评议模式。    望闻问切    “虽然我们都来自基层,常与公安干警打交道,对派出所情况也比较了解,但为了让评议搞得更好,我们还是在评议前集
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