
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyongxf
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每位为人父母的家长都希望自己的子女能成为未来社会的人才,所以从小就让孩子学习各种各样的知识和技术,为了提高修养,还选择各种各样的艺术课程让孩子学习。在我们身边有很多这样的“琴童”,无论是在寒冷的冬夜,还是在酷暑的夏日,总能看到拿着乐器的家长带着孩子,奔波在学琴的漫漫长路上,在这浩浩荡荡的“学艺”大军里,每个人都有一段属于他们自己的成才故事。十年前,三个来自祖国不同地方的孩子原本互不相识,他们无论如何也没有想到,十年后的一天,他们却带着难掩的稚气和成熟的技艺,组成了令世界手风琴乐坛注目的“中国军团”,联手在国际手风琴大赛上创造了一个令国人难以忘怀的历史!他们一举在第43届德国格林根塔尔国际手风琴比赛中,分获每个年龄组的一等奖!把他们的名字和祖国一起写进了这项国际手风琴重要赛事的历史,令国际手风琴界记住了今天的中国和中国的手风琴!也许,连他们自己也不曾想到,当年爸爸妈妈把他们第一次领到手风琴老师面前的时候,对他们的一生意味着什么,对中国的手风琴事业意味着什么?也许当年就是在他们父母不经意间播下的种子,为祖国培养了日后长成的参天大树,历史赋予他们承担起中国未来手风琴事业发展的使命。这三名出色的“小演奏家”就是前不久第43届德国格林根塔尔国际手风琴比赛一等奖获得者田佳男、王寒之和姜伯龙。文/柳蕾 Every parents who want their parents can hope their children can become talents in the future society. Therefore, children are taught a wide range of knowledge and skills at an early age. In order to improve their education, they also choose various art courses for their children to learn. There are many such “musicians” around us, and we can always see the parent holding a musical instrument take the children along the long winter road to learn the piano, either on a cold winter night or on a summer day Mighty “art” army, everyone has a story belonging to their own talent. Ten years ago, three children from different parts of the motherland originally did not know each other. They did not think of it anytime soon. Ten years later, they formed a world-renowned concertina with concealed childishness and mature skills. Of the “Chinese Corps,” a joint international Accordion Competition to create an unforgettable history of the people! They at the 43rd German International Accordion Competition in Grindelwald, won the first prize for each age group! Their names and their motherland are included in the history of this important international accordion event, so that the international accordion world remembered today’s accordion in China and China! Perhaps even they themselves never thought that when mom and dad took them for the first time What does it mean for their entire life when they receive the accordion teacher? What does it mean for the accordion business in China? Perhaps the same year saw the seeds sown by their parents inadvertently, cultivating the towering trees growing up in the future for the motherland, History has given them the mission to undertake the development of China’s future accordion. The three outstanding “little performers” were Tian Jia-nan, Wang Han-zhi and Jiang Bolong, first prize winners of the 43rd International Accordion Competition in Grindelwald not long ago. Text / Liu Lei
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