
来源 :现代远距离教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc76759
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邓小平同志去年视察南方的谈话和党的十四大,确定了90年代我国社会主义现代化建设的任务。提出了“加快改革开放和现代化建设步伐.使国民经济上一新台阶”的要求。就是说经济建设要由粗放型向集约型转变,经济体制由计划经济转变为社会主义市场经济。要实现现代化建设的宏伟目标,必须大力解放和发展生产力。科学技术是第一生产力,科学技术人才的培养基础在教育。教育搞上去了,劳动者的科学文化水平提高了,就能创造出更高的劳动生产率。也就是说要解放和发展生产力就必须优先发展教育,提高劳动者素质,把沉重的人口负担转化为人才资源优势。否则,教育落后,不适应社会主义市场经济的发展需要,要实现现代化显然是办不到的。 Last year, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inspected the southern talks and the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and set the task of building the socialist modernization in our country in the 1990s. Put forward the request of “speeding up the pace of reform, opening up and modernization and bringing the national economy to a new level.” That is to say, economic construction should be transformed from extensive mode to intensive mode and the economic system should be transformed from a planned economy to a socialist market economy. To achieve the grand goal of modernization, we must vigorously liberate and develop productive forces. Science and technology are primary productive forces, and science and technology personnel are based in education. Education goes on, the worker’s scientific and cultural level has been raised, and a higher labor productivity can be created. In other words, to liberate and develop the productive forces, we must give priority to education, improve the quality of laborers, and transform the heavy burden of population into the advantages of human resources. Otherwise, backward education will not meet the needs of the development of the socialist market economy and it is obviously impossible to achieve modernization.
最近,看到《中国保安》《要生 存也要空间》一文,我为作 者入情入理的分析而鼓掌外,想就保安自制力进一言。 我是从二炮退役后到保安公司的,转眼间也干了6年保安工作。其间两次立
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