
来源 :复合材料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhm136
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为了实现高硬度和高耐磨模具自由曲面的高效光整加工,提出了一种以Lyocell短纤维增强气压砂轮基体的新方法,分析了Lyocell短纤维增强橡胶基复合材料的理论模型及气压砂轮结构模型。利用Instron试验机对复合材料试样进行了拉伸试验,并通过误差分析研究了其强度极限。对比分析了弹性模量的试验数值与理论数值,证明了剪滞模型预测气压砂轮基体弹性模量的准确性。对不同短纤维体积分数的气压砂轮光整加工时的压力变化与形变范围进行了仿真分析,验证了短纤维增强气压砂轮基体的可行性。分析了凸曲面与气压砂轮呈不同角度接触时的受力大小及加工面积,获得了理想的接触角度。通过对高硬度凸曲面的材料去除试验,证明了短纤维增强气压砂轮基体这一设想以及气压砂轮仿真试验的可行性。 In order to achieve high-efficiency finishing of high-hardness and high wear-resistant mold free-form surface, a new method to enhance the pressure grinding wheel matrix with Lyocell short fiber is proposed. The theoretical model of Lyocell short fiber reinforced rubber matrix composite and the structure of pneumatic grinding wheel model. The tensile test of the composite material was carried out by Instron test machine, and its strength limit was studied by error analysis. The experimental values ​​and theoretical values ​​of the elastic modulus are compared and analyzed, and the accuracy of the shear lag model for predicting the elastic modulus of the gas pressure grinding wheel base is proved. The pressure variation and deformation range of the air pressure grinding wheel with different short fiber volume fraction were simulated and analyzed, and the feasibility of short fiber reinforced pneumatic wheel base was verified. The force and the processing area of ​​the convex curved surface and the pneumatic wheel at different angles are analyzed, and the ideal contact angle is obtained. Through the material removal test of the convexity with high hardness, it is proved that the short fiber reinforced pneumatic wheel base and the feasibility of pneumatic wheel simulation test.
采用低分子量聚碳硅烷(PCS)通过先驱体浸渍裂解(PIP)工艺、化学气相沉积(CVD)和粉末烧结技术相结合制备了3DCf/SiC抗高温氧化复合材料。运用FTIR、1 H-NMR、凝胶渗透色谱法(G
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