
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsen168
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Objectives.-Prosthetic reinforcement in the surgical repair of pelvic prolapse by the vaginal approach is currently on the increase. However, this technique is not without tolerance-related problems. The most frequently described complication is prosthesis exposure, including erosion and delayed healing. It is independent of a granuloma and a major infection as pelvic cellulitis. Its mechanism is associated with defective vaginal healing. The purpose of our study is to define the risk factors for exposure of the prosthetic material. Patients and methods.-Two hundred and seventy-seven medical records relating to patients undergoing surgery due to pelvic prolapse were included in our study. The treatment of genital prolapse was managed via the vaginal approach with polypropylene mesh. This is a continuous, retrospective study conducted over a period of 24 months. Results.-Thirty-four cases of prosthesis exposure were observed in the 2 months following surgery, which represents an incidence of 12.27%. The risk factors are concomitant hysterectomy [odds ratio 5.17 (P = 0.001)]-and inverted T colpotomy [odds ratio 6.06 (P = 0.01)]. The protective factors are preservation of the uterus and the performance of a minor colpotomy in patients who had already undergone a hysterectomy or in those whose uterus had been preserved [odds ratio 5.16 (P = 0.0001)]. Discussion and conclusion.-In our study, we have only found risk factors of operative protocol. In fact, other information as age, menopause status or medical history of the patient is not significant. The uterus must be preserved and the number and extent of colpotomies needed to insert the prosthesis must be limited. Objectives.-Prosthetic reinforcement in the surgical repair of pelvic prolapse by the vaginal approach is currently on the increase. However, this technique is not without tolerance-related problems. The most frequently described complication is prosthesis exposure, including erosion and delayed healing. It is independent of a granuloma and a major infection as pelvic cellulitis. The purpose of our study is to define the risk factors for exposure of the prosthetic material. Patients and methods.-Two Hundred and Seventy- seven medical records relating to patients undergoing surgery due to pelvic prolapse were included in our study. The treatment of genital prolapse was managed via the vaginal approach with polypropylene mesh. This is a continuous, retrospective study conducted over a period of 24 months. Results. -Thirty-four cases of prosthesis exposure were observed in the 2 months following surgery, which represents an inciden The risk factors are concomitant hysterectomy [odds ratio 5.17 (P = 0.001)] - and inverted T colpotomy [odds ratio 6.06 (P = 0.01)]. The protective factors are preserved of the uterus and the performance of a minor colpotomy in patients who had already undergone a hysterectomy or in those whose uterus had been preserved [odds ratio 5.16 (P = 0.0001)]. Discussion and conclusion. -In our study, we have only found risk factors of operative protocol. , the other information as age, menopause status or medical history of the patient is not significant. The uterus must be preserved and the number and extent of colpotomies needed to insert the prosthesis must be limited.
1 氟哌啶醇患者 ,男 ,1 8岁 ,ASAI级 ,拟在臂丛神经阻滞下行左肱骨骨折内固定取出术。麻醉前常规用药 ,切皮前静脉滴注哌替啶 50mg,氟哌啶醇 2 .5mg ,术毕 2h后 ,突然出现烦躁不安 ,
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