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经过5年的调查,初步摸清贵州省柑桔害虫天敌种类有123种。计膜翅目73种,鞘翅目33种,半翅目6种,脉翅目4种,双翅目1种,缨翅目1种,蝉螨目4种,蜘蛛目1种。其中37种为省内新记录。目前已知贵州重要种类约18种以上。全年捕食天敌的发生量,以长须螨最大,其次为蜘蛛、草蛉。主要天敌的盛发期如长须螨,一年中3~12月经常可见,以4~7月、9~11月为盛发期;大赤螨盛发于3~5月、10~12月。这两种天敌是捕食柑桔红蜘蛛的优势种。瓢虫类天敌以3~4月、9~10月发生较多,是蚜虫及各种害虫的捕食者。寄生凤蝶卵的赤眼蜂盛发于4~10月,寄生率达22.2~91.8%,能有效地控制凤蝶发生危害;刺粉虱黑蜂盛发于5~6月,寄生率达17.64~35.05%-潜叶蛾寄生蜂盛发于6~9月,寄生率达10.9~41.49%。其它天敌如草蛉、平腹小蜂、广大腿小蜂、凤蝶金小蜂、矢尖蚧蚜小蜂、白本方头甲等在5~10月经常可见。经过几种天敌对柑桔害螨捕食量测定结果表明,以大赤螨日食量最大,其次为食螨瓢虫、长须螨。保护利用天敌控制害虫发生危害,应综合其它措施进行,其中最主要的是科学使用农药。 After 5 years of investigation, it is found that there are 123 species of natural enemies of citrus pests in Guizhou Province. There are 73 species of Hymenoptera, 33 species of Coleoptera, 6 species of Hemiptera, 4 species of Sinoptera, 1 species of Diptera, 1 species of Thysanter, 4 species of Amanita and 1 species of Araneae. 37 of them are new records in the province. Currently, about 18 important species of Guizhou are known. Predators of predators throughout the year occurred in order to grow the largest mite mites, followed by spiders, weeds. The main natural enemies Shengrui mites, such as long, 3 to 12 months of the year can often be seen in April to July, September to November for the peak period; big red mites flourish in March to May, 10 to 12 month. These two predators are dominant species of predators of citrus red spider. Ladybird predators to 3 to April, September to October more occurred, is aphids and various pests predator. Trichogramma parasitic Papilioe eggs flourished in April to October, the parasitism rate of 22.2 ~ 91.8%, can effectively control the occurrence of Papilionidae; black bee Bupleu flourished in May to June, the parasitism rate of 17.64 ~ 35.05% - Leaf moth parasitoids flourish in June to September, the parasitism rate of 10.9 ~ 41.49%. Other natural enemies such as weeds, flat belly wasps, the wide leg wasp, gold butterfly bee Papyrus, cornucopia aphid wasps, white Fang Fangtou often seen in 5 to 10 months. After several natural enemies of citrus pest mite prey consumption measurement results show that the largest ecliptic ecliptic eclipse, followed by the food mite ladybug, long-sik. Protecting the use of natural enemies to control harmful pests should be integrated with other measures, of which the most important is the scientific use of pesticides.
一、避税的类型和方法现行涉外税法采用国家立法和行政文件相结合,采取法律、行政法规和文件三种形式。我认为,纳税人避税往往从税法着手,具体的实现途径可分为四大类: (一)
赤眼蜂人工寄主卵的研究是解决室内大规模繁殖赤眼峰自然寄主卵供求矛盾的重要对策。而用人工卵繁殖出来的赤眼蜂(下称人工卵蜂)在田间或林间对害虫是否有搜索和 Trichogra
1980年10—11月,我们对河南省的水稻等33种农作物线虫进行了调查,并于1982—1984年进行鉴定,初步鉴定结果有12种为国内首次描述。 From October to November 1980, we surve