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多年来商品竹蜂掺有大量灰胸木蜂、黄胸木蜂。竹蜂用量2~3只,具有清热化痰,定惊止抽的功能。灰胸及黄胸木蜂用量多达10~15只,具有解毒、消肿、止痛的功能。三者外形相似,易于混淆,现将其主要鉴别特征介绍如下。竹蜂:虫较大,长25~29mm。身体及足部密被黑色绒毛,中胸及翅下方,腹部各节背板两侧和腹末端毛长而浓密,颜面为棕色绒毛。翅基部蓝紫色,向外缘顶部呈黄铜色,均有金属光泽。灰胸木蜂:虫长21~24mm,体混杂被黑白色毛。中胸侧板下部被灰黑色毛,腹及足部为黑色毛,中胸背板及侧板上部、小盾片、头顶后缘均被白毛,唇基及颜面为黑白混杂短毛。中胸背板中央有一光滑闪光小黑点。翅为深紫色并有金属光泽。 For many years, commercial bamboo bees have been mingled with a large number of gray-breasted and yellow-breasted bees. The amount of bamboo bee is 2 to 3, which has the function of clearing away heat and phlegm. There are as many as 10 to 15 gray-breasted and yellow-breasted bees, which have the functions of detoxification, swelling, and pain relief. The three are similar in appearance and easy to confuse. The main authentication features are as follows. Bamboo bee: larger insects, length 25 ~ 29mm. The body and foot are covered with black hairs, under the middle of the chest and wings, and the back and sides of the abdomen and the ventral ends of the backs are long and thick, with brown hair on the face. The base of the wing is blue-purple and the top of the outer edge is brass-coloured and has a metallic luster. Gray-breasted bee: The length of the worm is 21 to 24mm, and the body is mixed with black and white hair. The lower part of the mid-thoracic plate was gray-black hairs, and the abdomen and feet were black hairs. The mid-thoracic and lateral plates, the small scutellum, and the posterior edge of the head were all white hairs, and the lip bases and facial features were mixed black and white short hairs. The center of the mid-thoracic spine has a smooth flash of black spots. The wings are dark purple and metallic.