
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qjinglihong
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天阔地广大有作为1957年,杨义厚初中毕业了。这时觉号召知识青年参加农业生产,作祖国第一代有觉悟、有文化的农民。他拿着报纸,把有关社论和报导,读了又读,看了又看。社论的每一句话,都说在他的心坎上,报导的每一个消息,都使他留下深刻的印象,特别是徐建春参加农业生产的模范事例,更在他的心弦上引起了强烈的共鸣。他认为;毛泽东时代的青年,应该响应党的号召,把青春 The vast majority of days as 1957, Yang Yihou graduated from junior high school. At this time, we called for knowledgeable young people to take part in agricultural production as the first generation of conscious and cultured peasants in the motherland. He took the newspaper, read and read the editorials and reports, read and read it. Every word in the editorial says that every message he has reported on his heart has left a deep impression on him. In particular, Xu Jianchun’s exemplary participation in agricultural production has even caused a strong resonance. He believes that young people in Mao’s era should respond to the party’s call to bring youth
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贵刊2007年第5期刊登《一分钱不花足疗“先生”请到家》一文,将鹅卵石装编织袋内放在屋里做足疗按摩,这个办法的确不错。我和老伴也如法制作一个放在 The fifth issue of yo