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We theoretically analyze the organizing filament of small amplitude scroll waves in general excitable media by perturbation method and explicitly give the expre
摘 要:市场营销学在实际授课过程中存在原有教学方法与培养目标相脱节、教学内容固化、教学方法传统等问题。本文针对教学方法存在的问题,提出市场营销学在教学过程中,应采用“交互式”教学模式,结合专业特点去实现教学培养目标。  关键词:市场营销学 教学 “交互式”教学模式  中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2014)03(a)-0226-02  1 “交互式”教学模式的
The transverse Ward-Takahashi(W-T) realtion for the Vector vertex in quantum filed theory is derived by calculation the coul of the time-ordered product of the
Using an ab initio total energy and force method, we have relaxed several group IV and group V elementalclusters, in detail the arsenic and antimony dimers, sil
The effect ofthe edge state on the persistent current in quasi-1D mesoscopic rings with a screened interactionwhich exists only between nearest-neighboring part
In Lagrangian formulation, it is extremely difficult to compute the excited spectrum and wavefunctions ora quantum theory via Monte Carlo methods. Recently, we
We deal with the (2 + 1)-extension of classical Boussinesq system,which can reduce to several meaningful(1 + 1)-dimensional systems.By studying its Lax pair,we