,Enhanced and Tunable Spin Hall Effect of Light upon Reflection of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangcool2
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We show that the spin Hall effect of light upon reflection of one-dimensional photonic crystal with a defect layer can be enhanced significantly with a spin-dependent transverse displacement of the beam centroid of several wavelengths of light which is much larger than those reported previously,for horizontal- and vertical-polarization incidence.Under the condition of abrupt phase changes of reflection coefficients however,the spin Hall effect of light could be completely suppressed.Further,we demonstrate that,by tuning the optical parameters of the defect layer,the spin Hall effect of light upon reflection can be switchable for any incident angle and polarization of incidence.
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摘 要:自我国1978年实现改革开放以来,农村人口严重流失,城乡人口比例严重失衡。随着大批农民工流入沿海城市,一方面,出现偏远山区土地利用价值低下、留守儿童、空巢老人等现状;另一方面,城市人口拥挤、资源紧缺、就业难以及社会治安混乱等相关效应层出不穷。近年来,为更好地解决这一重大人口比例以及相关纽带问题,国家政府已陆续出台诸多相应政策,其只起到缓解作用或只解决部分潜在问题,追根溯源,这一重大挑战性问
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