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专栏前言 随着改革开放的深入。海外留学人员大规模 回国创业的时机已经成熟。从1978年以来的20多 年间走出国门的近40万留学生中 已有 14万多人 学成归国。在这其中,进入全国各地留学人员创业 园的有近万人 其中90%以上拥有博士或硕士学 位。国家始终如一的鼓励和推动是主观动因,国内 市场不断的扩大和规范则是客观的推动力。 留学人员创业园区和创业基金的设立是国家 推动的主要方式。目前全国已有留学人员创业园 60多家人园留学人员企业近2000家。自 1985 年以来 国家人事部累计拨款近2亿圆 择优资助 了4000多名留学回国人员的科研工作,资助了 3000多位在外留学人员短期回国服务。国家教育 部、科技部也都成立了专管部门和专项基金。同 时,随着留学人员和国内市场、企业接触的日益频 繁 国内企业对留学人员的价值有了整体和明晰 的认识 留学人荠直接与内地企业合作或者走出 园区独立创业的时机日趋成熟。 基於对形势的准确判断 共青豳中央 全国 青联、中国青年科技工作者协会发*胄年组踯的 优势 从 1997年开始有计划、坚持不懈地举办大 型侮外学人为国服务系列活动。四年如一日的高 效服务和越来越广泛的社会效益使这个活动调动 了中国几乎所有相关机构积极参与。 於2001年12月 23日至27日举办 Column Preface With the deepening of reform and opening up. The time for overseas students to return home to start businesses on a large scale is ripe. Of the nearly 400,000 overseas students who have left the country in more than 20 years since 1978, more than 140,000 have already returned to China. Among these, there are nearly ten thousand people who have entered the entrepreneurship parks for overseas students across the country. More than 90% of them have PhD or master degrees. The consistent encouragement and promotion of the country is the subjective motivation. The continuous expansion and regulation of the domestic market is an objective driving force. The establishment of overseas entrepreneurship parks and venture capital funds is the main method promoted by the state. At present, there are more than 60 enterprises and colleges that have overseas students studying in the Pioneering Park for Overseas Students. Since 1985, the Ministry of Personnel of the Ministry of State has allocated nearly 200 million yuan in grants to better fund the research work of more than 4,000 returned overseas students and funded the return of more than 3,000 overseas students for short-term return. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology also set up special departments and special funds. At the same time, as overseas students are increasingly exposed to the domestic market and enterprises, domestic companies have a holistic and clear understanding of the value of overseas students. The time for overseas students to work directly with mainland companies or to venture out of the park for independent entrepreneurship is maturing. Based on the accurate judgment of the situation, the Central Youth League of the Communist Youth League and the Chinese Association of Young Scientists and Employees have developed the advantages of the Jubilee Group. Since 1997, they have organized large-scale foreign students to serve the country. The four-year, day-to-day, efficient service and increasingly widespread social benefits have enabled this activity to mobilize the active participation of almost all relevant institutions in China. Held from December 23 to 27, 2001
外婆喜欢吃西红柿。我让妈妈帮我买回西红柿苗,种在了菜园里。  西红柿苗一天天长大,开了花,结出了绿色的果子。看着果子在阳光里一天天变红,我心里甜丝丝的。  外婆喜欢用西红柿炒蛋。我不喜欢。我喜欢把西红柿切成块,撒点白糖,凉拌着吃。  我最喜欢的蔬菜是包菜。包菜好吃又好看。它的叶子包得紧紧的,就像是一朵藏着秘密的花。  菜园的篱笆边长着一丛紫苏。紫苏的叶子是紫色的,有一种特别的香味。奶奶煮鱼的时候,
综观历年来各省市中考物理试题,作图题是经常考查的题目.通过作图题可以充分考查同学们的分析能力、运用知识解决实际问题的能力,并对培养同学们严谨的学习态度大有裨益.下面浅析几例,希望能帮助同学们加深对简单机械作图的理解,掌握作图的技巧.    一、有关杠杆中力和力臂的问题  例1请在图1中画出用瓶盖起子启瓶盖的动力F1的力臂l1和阻力F2.  解析本题考查同学们将生活实例转化为物理模型的能力.  解题
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金属与硝酸的反应是一类典型的氧化还原反应,其有关计算涉及知识面广,对初学这部分内容的同学来说难度较大。以下是我对这一部分教学的理解和在实际教学中的应用。  一、反应的本质  金属与硝酸反应的实质是金属与氢离子和硝酸根离子共同作用。  例1.铜粉放入稀硫酸溶液后,加热后无明显现象发生,当加入下列一种物质后,铜粉质量减少,溶液呈蓝色,同时有气体产生,该物质可能是()  A.硫酸铁   B.碳酸钠