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面临对传统文化的反思和寻根热潮兴起之际,我院部分师生书法爱好者为了更有利地学习和发扬传统的书法艺术;更有效地探讨、研究、交流、深化对书法艺术的理解和创作水平,在院领导的支持下,于去年十二月份成立了鲁迅美术学院“书会”。并于今年四月二十六日至五月五日“书会”举办了首届书法作品展。首展的一百三十幅作品,书体多样,如:象形、篆、隶、真、行、草等。从部分作品来看,在学习、继承传统这一点上,作者对点划、结体、章法、用笔、用墨、力度、意趣、境界等书法的艺术规律均有一定的理解和把握,并有较充分的表现。从作品之中,字行之间可见作者对笔性、纸性、心性把握和控制的能力。体现了“书会”成员在书法艺术方面的一定成就。全体书会成员,通过首展将进一步加强书论、印学、艺术史、哲学等方面的学习,加强基本功的练习和试验性的创作实践。以提高书法艺术水平。 In the face of the rethinking of traditional culture and the rise of root-seeking craze, some teachers and students of calligraphy and art lovers in our college, in order to learn and develop the traditional calligraphy art more favorably, explore, study, exchange and deepen their understanding and creation of calligraphy art more effectively. Level, with the support of the leadership of the hospital, in December last year established the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts “book club ”. The first calligraphy exhibition was held in Book Club from April 26 to May 5 this year. The first one hundred and thirty works, book variety, such as: pictographic, seal, Li, true, line, grass and so on. From the part of works, the author has some understanding and grasping of the art laws of calligraphy such as point drawing, knot body, chapter law, pen, ink painting, strength, interest, realm and so on. Have a more adequate performance. Among the works, we can see the writer’s ability to grasp, control and control the pen, paper and heart. Reflects the “book club ” members of calligraphy in the art of certain achievements. All members of the book fair, through the first exhibition, will further strengthen the study of book theory, typography, art history and philosophy, and strengthen the practice of basic skills and experimental creations. To improve the art of calligraphy.
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