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当你驱车行驶在昌厦公路到橘都——南丰的公路上时,你会发现这段公路两边有许多路政书写的国防标语,这是江西省南丰县公路段积极开展国防教育,实行军事化管理,加强路政建设,干部、职工用汗水浇灌而缀成的一道国防教育风景线。从这道风景线上,我们处处都可以感受到国防之花绽放的芬芳,也证实了南丰公路段确立“加强国防建设,争创一流路政”的奋斗目标。1999年,该段被中央文明委员会授予“全国精神文明建设先进单位”称号。 把国防教育融入到思想教育中。近年来,该段为使国防教育之花在每座庭院、每个道班、每段公路绽放,采取机关、道班一起抓,内外环境一齐上的工作方法,积极为广大干部、职工营造一个良好的国防教育环境。一方面加大了国防教育投入,完善了国防教育基础设施建设,建起了展览室、图书室,订阅了《中国民兵》等8种军事报刊。另一方面,他们把国防教育与关心职工的生活困难结合起来,使国防教 As you drive through the Chang-Sha Highway to the Orange Capital-Nan Fung Highway, you will find that many defense documents are written by the government on both sides of the road. This is the national defense education and the militarization of the Nanfeng County Highway in Jiangxi Province Management, strengthen road construction, cadres, workers with sweat and irrigation into a national defense education landscape. From this road, we can all feel the fragrance of the flower of national defense everywhere. It also confirms the goal of Nan Fung Highway Section to establish “strengthening national defense and striving for the first-class road.” In 1999, this section was awarded the title of “National Advanced Unit of Spiritual Civilization Construction” by the Central Committee of Civilizations. Integrate national defense education into ideological education. In recent years, this section has been devoted to creating a good and effective education system for all cadres and workers in order to make the national defense education flower bloom at each courtyard, every road and every section of the road, adopt organs, National Defense Education Environment. On the one hand, it has increased investment in national defense education, perfected the construction of national defense education infrastructure, built up exhibition rooms and libraries, and subscribed to 8 kinds of military newspapers and periodicals such as the “Chinese militia.” On the other hand, they have combined national defense education with the concern about the hardships of the staff and have made National Defense Education
观察是认识事物的起点。只有具备敏锐而准确的观察能力 ,才能产生创造性思维。在初中阶段应从激发学生观察兴趣入手 ,培养学生感知性观察、推理性观察、联系性观察 ,进而指导
一堂课是一个整体 ,完美的一堂课应是有始有终。在重视一个好的开头的同时 ,还应重视一个好的结尾。结尾至关重要 ,一方面 ,教学内容的概括 ,教学效果的巩固 ,离不开它的作用
本文利用 D-氨基半乳糖(简称 D-Gal)制做急性肝损害动物模型,对前列腺素 E_2(PGE_2)的肝细胞保护作用进行了实验研究。材料和方法一、实验动物:杂系雄性大白鼠50只,体重204~2
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1临床资料 男性 16例,女性7例,年龄45岁一73岁,血肿量 30 ml- 85ml,出血位于额叶4例,顶叶6例,枕叶4例,内囊基底节区者9例,破入脑室系统者4例,全部有高血压病史,经CT检查确诊。2治疗方法 采用周良辅编著的《神经外