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山东省土地改革具体实施办法,现在公布施行了。这个办法是完全符合于「中华人民共和国土地改革法」及「华东土地改革实施办法」的精神与山东的实际情况的。执行这个办法争取于今冬明春全部完成与结束土地改革,这是全山东的政府和党的领导机关、全体干部和人民的历史任务。为了有领导地、有秩序地、有步骤与有分别地在全省范围内完成与结束土地改革,中共中央山东分局亦同时发布了「关于今冬明春完成与结束土地改革的指示」。各地党政领导机关及一切参加土地改革的干部,必须切实掌握这一办法和指示的精神与实质,根据不同地区不同情况加以具体贯彻。首先,必须明确认识,山东大部地区业已实行土地改革。在这类地区,地主阶级封建剥削制度已被消灭,乡村政权已经改造,乡村民主制 The specific implementation measures for land reform in Shandong Province are now promulgated. This solution is in full compliance with the spirit of the “Land Reform Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Implementing Methods of the Land Reform in Eastern China” with the actual situation in Shandong. To implement this measure and strive to complete and terminate the land reform this winter and next spring and all this is the historical task of the entire Shandong government and the party’s leading organs, all cadres and the people. In order to complete and terminate the land reform in a leading, orderly, step-by-step and step-by-step manner across the province, the Shandong Branch of the CPC Central Committee also issued the “Directive on the completion and termination of land reform this winter and next spring.” The party and government leading organs and all cadres participating in the land reform in various places must earnestly grasp the spirit and essence of this approach and directives and make concrete implementation according to different situations in different regions. First of all, we must make it clear that most areas in Shandong have already implemented land reform. In these areas, the feudal system of exploitation of the landlord class has been eliminated, the rural regime has been transformed, and the rural democracy