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历史时期的治政形势、地域形胜、职官设置是后人认知政区设置的几个重要要素。清初设江南省,在江南安徽地域的行政是以军政统治为主,便利有效行政。中央政府在新占领区设官治理,军政性质很强,职能性质和管辖区域持续调整,这是理解从顺治到康熙,从江南安徽到安徽得以确立省制的重要思考节点。江南省分阃而治,江苏、安徽得以逐渐确立省制。分省的主要原因有政治方略的谋划;顺应清初江南地域政治军事形势的需要;江南地域过大,赋税繁难,行政运行过程中分治的必要性以及战略地位不同特征等几大原因。在没有直接文献史料证明“安徽”一词作为省名称谓是取“安庆府”、“徽州府”联词组成的文献状况下,由历史认知看“安徽”作为省名出现,可靠一点的说法是,在官方行政运行过程中,在公文往来中,为称谓的方便和简洁,对官职称谓“巡抚安、徽、宁、池、太、庐、凤、滁、和、广等处地方”的省称或简记。 The historical situation of governance, geographical victory, the establishment of officials is the recognition of several important elements of political settings. The early Qing Dynasty set up Jiangnan, Anhui in the southern region of the administration is based on military governance, to facilitate effective administration. The central government has set up an official government in the new occupied territories. Its military and government are of a very strong nature with contingent functional areas and jurisdictional adjustments. This is an important thinking point for understanding the system of governorships from Shunzhi to Kangxi and from Anhui to Anhui. Jiangnan province and women, Jiangsu, Anhui to gradually establish a provincial system. The main reasons for sub-provincial planning include political planning; the need of political and military situation in the southern region of the Qing Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty; the large area in the south of the Yangtze River, the difficulty of taxation, the necessity of the division of government in administrative operation and the different characteristics of strategic position. In the absence of direct historical documents to prove “Anhui ” as the provincial name is taken from the “Anqing House ”, “Huizhou Prefecture As a provincial name appears, it is safe to say that in the process of running an official administration, in the official correspondence, for the convenience and conciseness of the appellation, the title of official ”governor Ann, Hui, Ning, Chi, Tai, Lu, Chu, and, etc. Place "province name or abbreviated.