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针对攀钢集团西昌钢钒有限公司普碳钢生产过程中存在的脱硫成本较高的问题,在理论分析和计算的基础上,根据铁水硫含量制定出对应的铁水预脱硫以及LF精炼脱硫工艺路线;并对LF脱硫工艺的过程温度和成分控制、渣料加入量和加入方法、脱硫时间和过程吹氩控制等方面进行了系统优化和设计。工艺改进后,降低了过程铁水损耗,铁水入炉温度提高了28℃,浇钢过程温降减少13℃,合金锰的收得率提高了6.22%,LF渣态控制合理,脱硫效果稳定,成品w(S)控制在0.005%~0.021%,平均为0.015 5%,完全满足钢种要求。新的工艺实施后,可以有效减少脱硫扒渣铁损和温度损失,从而明显降低脱硫成本,采用钢水脱硫比铁水脱硫降低成本8.97元/t。 In view of the high desulfurization cost existing in the production process of general carbon steel of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Xichang Steel and Vanadium Co., Ltd., based on the theoretical analysis and calculation, the corresponding hot metal pre-desulfurization and LF refining desulfurization process are formulated according to the molten iron and sulfur content The system optimization and design of process parameters of LF desulfurization process, such as process temperature and composition control, slag loading and adding method, desulfurization time and process argon blowing control were carried out. After the process is improved, the loss of molten iron in the process is reduced, the temperature of molten iron entering into the furnace is increased by 28 ℃, the temperature drop of the molten steel is reduced by 13 ℃, the yield of the alloy manganese is increased by 6.22%, the slag slag control is reasonable, the desulfurization effect is stable, w (S) controlled at 0.005% ~ 0.021%, an average of 0.015 5%, fully meet the requirements of steel. After the implementation of the new technology, it can effectively reduce the iron loss and temperature loss of desulfurization slag, thereby significantly reducing the cost of desulfurization, the use of molten steel desulfurization desulfurization than molten iron to reduce costs 8.97 yuan / t.
说起来,认识《归宿》的作者,实在是件十分偶然的事。 去年初夏的一天,我拜访人民文学出版社来杭组稿的编辑赵水金老师时认识了这部长篇书稿的“作者”——张建洲。当时,并不知
相濡以沫的日子,无须刻意去找寻,就时常在身边,只要你带着一份爱心,奉献一份真诚,它就会伴你到永远。 友谊,世界上最平常的名字,最难得的名字。当你面临困境而不知所措时,是朋友第一
(一 )龙谷多嘉木 ,娉婷似丽人。汤公遗爱在 ,长忆牡丹亭。(二 )丽人藏龙谷 ,未识绮罗香。一自深闺出 ,芳名传八方。注 :汤公即汤显祖 ,曾任遂昌县令。“龙谷”二字为汤显祖所
一、少爷过穷年(字谜) 古时有个富家子弟,整日嫖赌逍遥,把祖辈的遗产花得精光。临近年关,连做年饭的米也没有。于是,自嘲地在门上贴出一副对联“行节俭事,过淡泊年。”腊月
江西余悦爱茶深 ,著作茶书几等身 ;经典琳琅罗万象 ,神州搜遍古诗文。浙大名师有建程 ,一生细写制茶经 ;六茶工艺均深谙 ,探得金花又立新。黔省茶星有邓君 ,科研教育俱知名 ;