随着生活水平的提高,人们对儿童视觉发育正常与否已越来越重视。弱视严重地影响儿童双眼视觉的发展,如不能在早期发现,及时治疗,将造成终生的视力低下。 那么,何谓弱视呢?很多人错误地将弱视与远视、近视混为一谈,而实际上在医学领域内的弱视主要是指功能性弱视,即用现阶段常用的检查方法,未能发现眼球有明显的器质性病变,而矫正视力低于0.9;或双眼视力相差两行以上者即为弱视。根据视力情况可分为重度弱视(0.1以下)、中度弱视(0.1~0.3)和轻度弱视(0.3~0.8)。根据有无器
With the improvement of living standard, people have paid more and more attention to the normal visual development of children. Amblyopia seriously affects the development of children’s binocular vision, if not in the early detection and timely treatment, will result in lifetime low vision. So, what is amblyopia? A lot of people mistakenly put amblyopia and hyperopia, myopia confused, but in fact the field of amblyopia in the medical field mainly refers to functional amblyopia, that is, with the current common method of examination, failed to find the eye has obvious Organic lesions, and corrected visual acuity of less than 0.9; or binocular visual acuity of more than two lines is amblyopia. According to visual acuity can be divided into severe amblyopia (0.1 below), moderate amblyopia (0.1 ~ 0.3) and mild amblyopia (0.3 ~ 0.8). There are no devices