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为庆祝《理化检验》创刊 4 0年 ,回报长期以来关心、支持《理化检验》杂志的广大理化测试工作者 ,更是为了积极应对我国进人 WTO后各行各业所面临的严峻形势 ,促进我国理化测试水平的进一步提高 ,推动与加强行业的理化测试工作 ,以增强我国产品在国际间的竞争能力。中国机械工 In order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the “Physical and Chemical Testing” and pay back the long-term concern and support for the physicochemical testing workers in the “Physical and Chemical Testing” magazine, it is to actively cope with the grim situation faced by various trades and industries after China’s accession to the WTO and promote our country Physical and chemical testing to further enhance the level of promoting and strengthening the physical and chemical testing of the industry in order to enhance China’s product competitiveness in the world. Chinese mechanics
1998年黄河防汛会议于1998年4月25~26日在郑州召开。会议明确了今年黄河防汛的任务:确保花园口站发生22000m~3/s 洪水大堤不决口,遇特大洪水要尽最大努力,采取一切办法缩小灾
The fluorescence of grapliene oxide quantum dots(GOQDs) that are infiltrated into porous silicon(PSi) is investigated. By dropping activated GOQDs solution onto
第三届国际表面工程会议于 2 0 0 2年 10月 10日在西南交通大学国际会议中心隆重召开。开幕式由中国机械工程学会副理事长、表面工程分会主任委员练元坚教授主持。先后向大会
位于宾夕法泥亚州费城的美国金属板材轧制公司最近从SMS Demag集团的子公司安大略省的Oakviue Pro—Eco有限公司购进了一套新型的带材纵切生产线。这套纵切生产线的特点是:
The graphene field effect transistor(GFET) has been widely studied and developed as sensors and functional devices. The first report about GFET sensing simulati
The orientation measurement of nickel substrate has been studied bymeans of EBSP .Cube texture quality can be showed in a quantitative way and give more comple
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