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今年5月6日,英中贸易协会主席温特爵士和英国著名福塞科集团尤尼康公司董事长兼总经理沃德一行贵宾风尘扑扑专程来沪参加上海砂轮厂东迁浦东开发区揭牌、开工仪式。上海砂轮厂是一家有50多年历史的老企业,曾为我国磨料磨具工业的发展作出过重要的贡献。80年代这个厂每年完成产值6000—7000万元,利润高达2000多万元,但是到了80年代末随着一些乡镇企业纷纷崛起,以廉价劳动力和原材料同国营企业竞争,这个厂也受到了很大冲击和挑战,企业的生产和一些经济指标出现了严重滑坡,年利润一下子跌到了300—400万元。面对严峻形势这个厂的领导班子进行了认真分析,感到由于企业产品档次低,经受不住激 On May 6th this year, Sir Wint, chairman of the China-Britain Business Council, and Vold, chairman and general manager of the well-known Forex Group of Great Britain, and Volkswagen Group made a special trip to Shanghai to participate in the unveiling of the Shanghai Wheel Factory East Pudong Development Area. Groundbreaking ceremony. Shanghai Wheel Factory is an old enterprise with a history of more than 50 years and has made important contributions to the development of the abrasive industry in China. In the 1980s, the factory completed an annual output value of 60-70 million yuan and the profit was as high as more than 20 million yuan. However, by the end of the 1980s, with the rise of a number of township and village enterprises, and the competition for cheap labor and raw materials with state-owned enterprises, the plant was also greatly affected. As a result of the impact and challenges, the company’s production and some economic indicators have undergone a serious downturn, and the annual profit has dropped to 300 to 4 million yuan. Faced with the severe situation, the factory’s leadership team conducted a careful analysis and felt that due to the low grade of the enterprise’s products, it could not stand the stimulus.
一、概况 1.“长二捆”地面设备的组成概况 长征二号捆绑式运载火箭地面设备由发射设备、运输设备、起吊停放设备、供气设备、加注设备、瞄准设备、电源设备及空调净化设备
由日本电动车辆协会和能源综合工学研究所共同举办的国际低公害车专题讨论会于1990年9月18日至19日在东京召开。 会上除讨论了电池电动车外,还就采用甲醇、天然气、氢气以及
跨进90年代第一春,迎来了杭州制氧机研究所建所30周年。回顾过去的道路,展望未来的征程,使人更加充满信心,迎接新的挑战,夺取新的胜利! Entering the first spring of the 1
气体分离设备行业协会第一届理事会第二次会议,于1990年2月25日至朋日在北京召开。 The second meeting of the First Council of the Gas Separation Equipment Industry As
模具行业在产品技术工艺装备、产品质量要求、生产经营规模等方面,与其他行业比较,均有显然不同的特点。因此,模具行业的技术、质量、劳动等各项经营管理工 Compared with