坚持实践“三个代表”,最现实的就是要以“三个代表”为指导,把各级领导班子建设好,最具体的就是要按照“三个代表”的要求,在发挥党委的核心领导作用和领导的模范带头作用上下功夫。 一是要认真贯彻执行民主集中制。要加强集体领导,发扬民主作风,提高领导艺术,强化组织协调;要营造一个集体领导好,民主作风正,内部团结紧的良好氛围;要建立健全党委决策制度和议事程序,处理好集体领导下的首长分工负责和按级负责的关
To adhere to the practice of “three represents,” the most realistic one is to take the “three represents” as our guide and build the leading bodies at all levels. The most specific one is to give full play to the core leadership of the party committees in accordance with the requirements of the “three represents.” Role and leadership to take the lead role in making efforts. First, we must conscientiously implement the democratic centralism. We must strengthen collective leadership, promote democratic style, improve leadership art, and strengthen organizational coordination. We should create a good atmosphere of good collective leadership, democratic style and unity within the organization. We should establish and improve the party committee’s decision-making system and procedure, The division of labor responsible for the division of responsibility and the level of responsibility