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  {1}. Q: What can pierce one’s ears without a hole?
  A: Noise.
  pierce 刺穿,刺破 piercing 刺耳的
  {2}. Q: If you had 5 dollars and gave away one quarter,and another quarter,and then still another quarter,how much would you have left?
  A: 4.25.
  quarter 四分之一; 二十五美分
  {3}. Q: What bird lifts heavy things?
  A: A Crane.
  crane 鹤;起重机
  {4}. Q: What’s the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?
  A: The whole world.
  a world of difference 天壤之别
  {5}. Q: What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory?
  A: People make faces there.
  make faces 做鬼脸; 做钟面
  {6}. Q: What can I do to avoid falling hair?
  A: Get out of the way where the hair’s falling.
  avoid falling hair 有两种理解:防止头发脱落;避开(从上面)掉下来的头发
  {7}. Q: What do girls find the easiest to part with?
  A: A comb.
  part with 放弃(尤指不自愿地); 用……分头路或发缝
  {8}. Q: What do elephants use to communicate with each other?
  A: Big words.
  big words 真正的含义是:比较正式的大词
  {9}. Q: What makes fish the smartest animal in the world?
  A: No one can pull its leg.
  pull one’s leg 真正的含义是:使上当受骗
  {10}. Q: What makes the little strawberry worried?
  A: It’s afraid to be in a jam.
  jam 果酱;塞车
  {11}. Q: Something went wrong with the second hand of my watch. Where can I have it replaced?
  A: In a second?鄄hand store.
  second?鄄hand 二手货的,旧的 second hand 秒针
  {12}. Q: Why are writers like postmen?
  A: They are all men of letters.
  men of letters 文人 letter 字母
  {13}. Q: What’s the best thing to take when you’re run?鄄down?
  A: The license number of the car that hit you.
  take 吃(药);记下来 be run?鄄down 身体不适
  be run down 被撞到
  {14}. Q: What stays hot even if put in a refrigerator?
  A: Pepper.
  hot 热的;辣的
  {15}. Q: What is the best year for a kangaroo?
  A: Leap year.
  kangaroo 袋鼠 leap 跳跃
  leap year 闰年
  {16}. Q: What surprising things happen everywhere every day?
  A: Day breaks without falling; night falls without breaking.
  fall 摔下来;降临 break 破碎
  daybreak 破晓
人生在世,大吃大喝!这一次我们就来看看这些“吃吃喝喝”在英文里都怎么表示。 Life is alive, eat and drink! This time we come to see how these ”eat, drink and drin
菩萨蛮寄海畔友人潇潇暮雨秋风恻,梧桐疏叶留残碧。风景暗流年,流年凋昔颜。伊人千万里,难把相思寄。念子远离家,霜浓衣可加? Bodhisattva pretty friends sent to the shor
展小颜和我,就像两匹红色的小马驹,不由自主地朝同一个方向狂奔,把花朵和树木,青春和同伴,都远远地抛在了身后。    1    展小颜额头饱满,鼻子挺拔,嘴巴小巧,笑起来的时候也四平八稳,她有智慧,有涵养,有气质。用身边同学的话来说就是,展小颜,是一朵太阳花,健康,明媚,美丽,向上,是美的化身。  而我爱耍小聪明,爱钻牛角尖,性格张扬,喜欢打扮,追逐热闹,尖锐直接,爱憎分明,最看不惯展小颜那副故作优
一意孤行 难见功效──美国的《达马托法》由美国共和党参议员达马托提出,经参众两院修改通过,旨在惩罚向伊朗和利比亚投资的外国公司的法案,8月5日由总统克林顿正式签署通过。达
表姐很喜欢唱歌,常呼朋引伴去卡拉OK厅,几曲下来,数百元钱化为乌有,但她很尽兴,觉得这钱花得值。表姐结婚后,她老公知道精打细算,心想,既然老婆这么喜欢唱,那还不如买套音响设备放在家里,你想唱就唱吧。本以为自己家买了设备,表姐就不会再去卡拉OK厅唱歌了,家里从此可以省下一笔钱。没想到表姐在家里唱几次后,就再也不肯在家“做一只孤独的狼”了。表姐说,在家里唱歌,没有听众,所以唱起来很乏味。  街上有两个
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偶遇《小读者》,只一翻看就特别喜欢。于是毫不犹豫地为女儿买下一本,作为2005年的元旦礼物。从此女儿爱不释手,还经常在阅读后带到学校,津津有味地讲给别的同学听。同学 Wh
不会忘记2007年的这个冬天,在绝望与希望之间摇摆不定的冬天,在寒冷与温暖之间感受真切的冬天,在回家与滞留之间彷徨无措的冬天。  第一次在晚上家里停电,我站在窗台旁看着夜色看了好久,无尽的黑暗在慢慢吞噬这座城市。我第一次感觉到家不成家的悲哀,那天晚上,我住进了自主发电的宾馆,我感觉自己不是在逃难,因为没见过这么舒服的逃难。可我企图去书柜里找本书来看时,才发现这里是宾馆,没有我很习惯很顺手的一切。