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于1996年5月,在青岛市红岛镇后阳育苗场,采用饲养实验的方法对患肠道疾病的中国对虾仔虾的康复进行观察研究。结果表明,中国对虾仔虾的某些肠道疾病的康复与蜕皮存在极为密切的关系。肠道杆菌病对对虾状幼体和糠虾幼体危害极大,患病个体死亡率为100%,而患该病的仔虾幼体却有较高的存活率(32%),存活者多数为病症出现时已处蜕皮前期的个体,而在蜕皮间期开始患病的个体极少能发育至蜕皮变态。肠道堵塞是仔虾期幼体的常见病,因个体体质的差异和环境条件的不同,幼体的存活率也有差别,蜕皮前期开始患病的幼体,其存活率(73.3%)远远高于蜕皮问期开始患病的幼体的存活率(15%)。 In May 1996, a retrospective study was conducted on the rehabilitation of shrimp larvae of prawn with intestinal diseases using the feeding experiment in the postemergence nursery of Hongyang Town, Qingdao City. The results showed that there was a very close relationship between the recovery of certain intestinal diseases and the ecdysis of Chinese shrimp larvae. Enterobacteriosis is extremely harmful to larvae and shrimp larvae, with an individual mortality rate of 100%, whereas larvae with this disease have a higher survival rate (32%) and most are survivors Occurred early when molting individuals, and individuals who begin to molt between the molting rarely develop to molting metamorphosis. Intestinal blockage is a common disease in young and juvenile larvae. The survival rate of larvae is also different due to differences in individual constitutions and environmental conditions. The survival rate of larvae beginning in the early molting period is much higher (73.3%) The survival rate of sick larvae at the onset of molting (15%).
先看下面4道题,并请你从给出的这些具体的.特殊情况的信息出发,认真观察分析,归纳总结出用自然数n表示其一般规律的公式. Let’s look at the following four questions fi
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<正> 1.已知m、n是整数,3m+2=5n+3,且3m+2>30,5n+3<40,则mn的值为( ). (A)70 (B)72 (C)77 (D)84 (1997年“希望杯”数学邀请赛题) 答:D. [提示] 由{5n+3>30,5n+3<40 得5(2/5)
一、透析题意全面分析题意,深入见底的推敲关键字句,最大限度地提取对解题有用的信息,是获取最优解法的途径之一。例1.(MCE·99·25)A、B、C、D 都是含碳、氢、氧的单官能团
对大连石庙鲍育苗池冬、春季底栖藻类的组成作了调研 ,共发现藻类 57种 (含变种 ) ,其中有 2 4种及变种为辽宁省新纪录。藻类组成有如下特点 :硅藻种类比较丰富 ;冬、春季藻
我们在解数学题时,常常需要把一个复杂的问题分类,将其转化成几个简单的小问题予以各个击破,这是解题中常用的策略思想——分类求解.下面举例说明. When we solve mathemat
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