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在当今社会市场经济主导的大环境下,高职院校学生的价值观受社会群体利益分配影响开始变得多元化,由此也产生了许多对自身发展的困惑。一部分学生受到欧美国家极端个人主义思想和拜金主义思想的影响也产生了某些消极腐败思想。中国共产党首先提出要把社会主义核心价值观融入国民教育体系中,而具有“中国特色”的高等职业教育又是现阶段职业教育发展的重点,如何引导高职学生树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观、荣辱观,是高职教育的工作重点。高职院校教师的工作重心,不仅仅是教书,还要培养学生的德行。 Under the current environment of market-oriented economy in society, the values ​​of students in higher vocational colleges have become diversified due to the distribution of interests of social groups. As a result, many confusion has arisen on their own development. Some students, influenced by the extreme individualism in Europe and the United States and the idea of ​​money worship, also produced some negative and corrupt ideas. The Communist Party of China first proposed to integrate the socialist core values ​​into the national education system. Higher vocational education with “Chinese characteristics ” is also the focus of the development of vocational education at this stage. How to guide higher vocational students to establish a correct outlook on life and world outlook? , Values, concept of honor, is the focus of vocational education. Vocational college teachers work center of gravity, not just teaching, but also to cultivate students’ virtue.
20 0 0年 6月以来 ,我们用微波烧灼后再行扩张、放置内支架治疗重度食管狭窄 37例 ,疗效满意。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况  37例中 ,男 31例 ,女 6例 ;年龄 38~ 79岁 ,平均 5
Objective: To evaluate p63 expression at mRNA transcripts and protein levels in lung squamous cell cancer (SCC), adenocarcinoma, large cell lung cancer (LCLC) a
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We demonstrate the theory of chromatic dispersion(CD)-induced constellation rotation(CR) in a radio-over-fiber(ROF) link and a method for compensation. We also
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Glioblastomamultiforme (GBM)isthemostcommontypeofprimarymalignantbraintumor Althoughcomprehensivetherapeuticmeasuresareavailable ,recurrenceisveryfrequentandthe