The relationship between energy consumption and train delay in railway traffic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nobita8371
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Based on deterministic NaSch model, we propose a new cellular automation model for simulating train movement. In the proposed model, the reaction time of driver/train equipment is considered. Our study is focused on the additional energy consumption arising by train delay around a traffic bottle (station). The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model is suitable for simulating the train movement under high speed condition. Further, we discuss the relationship between the additional energy consumption and some factors which affect the formation of train delay, such as the maximum speed of trains and the station dwell time etc. Based on deterministic NaSch model, we propose a new cellular automation model for simulating train movement. In the proposed model, the reaction time of driver / train equipment is considered. Our study is focused on the additional energy consumption arising by train delay around a traffic The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model is suitable for simulating the train movement under high speed condition. maximum speed of trains and the station dwell time etc.
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