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《21世纪资本论》用历史数据构建出大时空的贫富差距曲线——皮凯蒂曲线,证伪了库兹涅茨曲线,得出市场经济发展越有效率,社会的贫富差距会越大的结论。皮凯蒂用大数据重新解读经济思想史,让经济学再次聚焦在收入分配的问题上,具有现实意义。但是,如何透析这些数据背后的历史事件的影响力,深度挖掘历史事件的原在性,透视出它们的因果关系,找出全球贫富差距的根源所在,值得我们再度解读。我们以美国皮凯蒂曲线为主要研究对象,回顾美国及全球经济历史事件的生成原因和过程,从中找到被忽略的公有制的制衡因素;从经济历史生成条件的特殊性,找出造成自20世纪80年代以来美国皮凯蒂曲线大幅拉升的几个历史性事件的特殊性,进而找到解决全球贫富差距缩小的可能方案。探索中的中国民生问题的解决方案可能成为全球贫富差距缩小的有效借鉴。 Capitalism in the 21st Century Constructs the Macquarie Curves of Poverty and Poverty in Grand Themes, Falsifies the Kuznets Curve, and finds that the more efficient the market economy is, the more the gap between the rich and the poor in society will be. Big conclusion. Picatti’s reinterpretation of the history of economic thought with big data and the re-focus of economics on the issue of income distribution are of practical significance. However, how to analyze the influence of historical events behind these data, dig out the original nature of historical events, reveal their causal relationships and find out the root causes of the global gap between rich and poor deserve further reading. We take the Piccadilly curve in the United States as the main research object, reviewing the causes and processes of the historical events in the United States and the world and finding the neglected factors of the balance of public ownership. From the peculiarities of the conditions of economic history, The particularity of several historic events in which the Pikiti curve in the United States has risen sharply since the 1980s has led to finding possible solutions to the global narrowing of the gap between the rich and the poor. The solution to China’s livelihood problems in exploration may become an effective reference for narrowing the gap between the rich and poor in the world.
综述了近年来较为热点的等规聚丙烯(i PP)β成核剂的种类及制备,介绍了β成核剂的成核机理,全面评述了各类β成核剂用量对聚丙烯性能及β晶型相对含量的影响,归纳了改善β成
现代社会中随着时代的进步,教育在向着全新的方向在前进着,同时高校教育在教育界中的地位也不断提升,而对于 大学生来说,不仅要有高水平的专业素养,还要有健康的体魄,由此在