
来源 :分子植物育种 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ajdujun
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The high percent of starch in the milled rice have great effects on the eating quality of the cooked rice. Breeding rice with improved eating quality has long been the major objective in rice breeding programs. Starch pasting viscosity tested by Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) serves as an important index in estimating the eating quality of rice. However, its utility in a rice breeding program has received few attention and has not been fully demonstrated. In the present study, the F 2:3 and F 3:4 seeds deriving from the Zhefu 49×Zhefu 728 were consecutively measured the RVA profiles of brown rice flour based on single-plant. The clustering analysis with different kinds of parameters of RVA suggested that once a line with desired RVA profile was selected in F 2:3 , the probability to select this kind of RVA profile from its F 3:4 progenies was as high as 51.8%. The present result was in agreement with genetic result that RVA profile parameters had a high heritability. Therefore, breeding better eating quality of rice can be accelerated with the assistance of RVA instrument. The high percent of starch in the milled rice have great effects on the eating quality of the cooked rice. Breeding rice with improved eating quality has long been the major objective in rice breeding programs. Starch pasting viscosity tested by Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) serves However, its utility in a rice breeding program has received few attention and has not been fully demonstrated. In the present study, the F 2: 3 and F 3: 4 seeds deriving from the Zhefu 49 × Zhefu 728 were successivelyly measured the RVA profiles of brown rice flour based on single-plant. The clustering analysis with different kinds of parameters of RVA suggested that once a line with the desired RVA profile was selected in F2: 3, the probability to select this kind of RVA profile from its F 3: 4 progenies was as high as 51.8%. The present result was in agreement with genetic result that RVA profile parameters had a high heritability. Th erefore, breeding better eating quality of rice can be accelerated with the assistance of RVA instrument.
目的:研究余甘子提取物对正常及糖尿病小鼠血糖的影响及其降糖作用机制。 方法:给小鼠尾静脉注射四氧嘧啶建立糖尿病小鼠模型。通过葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,通过蒽酮法测
文中分析了新财税制度实施后,建设项目经济评价中投资、成本、税务、利润计算以及评价指标体系发生的变动,并分析了新制度对项目经济评价要素产生的影响。 The paper analyzes
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TONG Ren Tang,leading producer of traditional Chinese medicines(TCM),has for years promoted its products through a global strategy that has made it a popular br
肝损伤是临床常见的病理症状,许多因素,如病毒、药物、酒精、外伤等均可导致肝损的产生,若诊治不当,会导致肝功能衰竭,引起严重后果。目前,临床尚缺乏理想的特异性防治药物。 当归是我国的传统中药,具有活血补血、润肠调经、扶正固本之功效。现已证实,从其水溶性部分提取的当归多糖(ASP)具有丰富的生物学活性,包括刺激造血系统增生、调节免疫、抗肿瘤、抗辐射以及促进胃溃疡愈合等。但是,当归多糖对肝损伤的影